2015年5月CATTI二口真题详解 汉译英2

英语翻译 2019-07-25 00:13:23 116


人民币国际化是国际社会普遍关心的问题,尤其是各位金融界的朋友们。你们关心的问题是中国对于人民币国际化是否制订了一个时间表,我讲对这一问题谈谈我的看法。人民币国际化主要指的是在贸易和投资方面人民币的跨境使用。2008年金融危机的发 生,使许多人对现有的国际货币体系失去信心。越来越多的人开始使用人民币进行国际贸易,这给人民币的国际化进程提供了一个非常好的机遇。
The globalization of RMB has become a common concern for the international community, particularly the friends of the finance circle. What you care most is whether China has formulated a timetable for the globalization of RMB. I want to share with you my view on that matter. The Globalization of RMB mainly refers to the cross-border use of RMB in trade and investment. After the outbreak of financial crisis in 2008, many people lose their confidence in the current international currency system and start to trade with RMB. This has given RMB a good opportunity toward its globalization.
现在中国政府在对外贸易方面使用人民币的频率越来越高。根据中国人民银行2013年的数据, 人民币跨境结算达到了5.16万亿元,同比增长61%。除此之外,上海自贸区的建立也给人民币的国际化提供了一个很好的机遇,成为了人民币国际化的推动力。可以说,人民币的国际化正在快速推进尽管现在人民币国际化速度较快,但是应该指出的是,人民币国际化的进程时间不长,基数很低,所以看起来增长率显得很高。人民币国际化尤其是在贸易和投资方面的使用比重还是相对比率低的。
At present, RMB becomes increasingly popular in Chinese government’s foreign trade. According to the data from People’s Bank of China in 2103, the RMB’s cross-border settlement amount came to 5.6 trillion Yuan, an increase of 61 per cent compared with the corresponding period last year. In addition to that, the founding of Shanghai self-trade zone also became the driving force for its globalization. We can say that RMB is rapidly becoming a global currency. However, it is worth note that RMB has only a short history for its globalization. It has a relatively low base that makes its growth look dramatic. In fact, the rate for its usage in international trade and investment is still relatively low.
我认为,中国目前应该做的不是推动人民币的使用,而是为人民币国际化创造出良好的条 件。用或者不用人民币应该要尊重市场参与者的选择来决定的。中国政府最近几年在做的是减少在法律领域使用对人民币不必要限制。同时,中国政府正在稳步推进资本项下的人民币可兑换,以此增加国际社会对于人民币的信心。
I believe that what China needs to do at this stage is not to promote the use of RMB, but to create a favorable environment for its globalization. We should respect the choice of the participants of the market on whether they use RMB or not. In recent years, the Chinese government is trying to lift the unnecessary legal restrictions on the use of RMB. We are steady promoting the conversion of RMB under the capital accounts, which will increase the confidence of the international community. 
总的来说,实现人民币国际化尤其是贸易和投资领域,以及人民币跨境使用率明显提高的话,我们应该清楚 认识到这是一个长久的过程,并不能急于求成。所以我要告诉大家:我们并没有人民币国际化进程并没有设定时间表。但是我相信,随着中国改革开放的不断深入,随着经济与世界经济不断接轨,人民币国际化的进程必将变得更快,而且这一过程是不可逆转的。
In general, we must realize that it takes a long process before RMB becomes a global currency, particularly in trade and investment. It also takes time for RMB to have the salient increase cross-border trade. This process can hardly be expedited. Therefore, I want to make clear that China does not have a time-table for RMB’s globalization. But I believe that, with the further development of China’s reform and opening up and its economy connected more tightly with global economy, the globalization of RMB will accelerate and the process will be irreversible.

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