2015年5月CATTI二口真题详解 汉译英1

英语翻译 2019-07-25 00:13:21 137


第一段:作为中国残疾人的代表,我很高兴有机会出席关于保护残疾人权益的国际研讨会。并向各位介绍中国在保护残疾人权益方面取得的进展。中国有8500万残疾人,位列世界第一。占世界残疾人总数的9%,中国总人口的6.3%左右。这一数字也超过了德国人口的总数。因为 你可以想象中国政府在保护残疾人合法权益方面面临的挑战是多么巨大。
As a delegate of Chinese disabled people, I am honored to participate in the international symposium on the protection of the rights of disabled person and introduce to you the progress China has made in this regard. China has 85 million disabled people, which ranks the first in the world. It accounts for 9 percent of the world’s disabled people and 6.3% of those in China. The number is great than the total population in Germany. Therefore, it is easy to imagine how great the challenge Chinese government faces in protecting the legal rights of the disabled people.

Also, because of this reason, Chinese government attached great importance in protecting the right of the disabled people with many measures. In 1987, the Chinese government had a sample survey on the status of Chinese disabled people. Based on that, the government passed the law on Protection of the disabled that worked as the legal foundation of China’s promotion of the legal rights of the disabled people.
The Chinese government established the rehabilitation center for the disabled people in 2600 counties and communities. By the end of 2013, the nation has 6618 community rehabilitation centers providing health service for 24.81 million disabled people. We disabled people receive favorable policies in terms of social aids, insurance and welfare, which benefit tens of millions of handicapped people. Serving the disabled, the government also has nearly 2000 special schools that recruit more than half a million disabled students.  Also, the government provides tax cuts and exemptions and subsidies to disabled people who work. I, as the owner of an internet store, became the direct beneficiary of these policies.
As members of the society, we disabled people are entitled to equal access to the social and economic development. However, we need to be aware that no matter whether it is in Asia or in any other part of the world, the disabled people still have many difficulties and need help. In particular, many of them suffer from the obstacles and hardship in partaking social and economic development on equitable basis. It is, therefore, my sincere hope that the symposium will become an occasion for us to share our experience on the cause of disabled people and learn the experience of other countries. Let’s work together for helping more disabled people with better lives. 

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