
英语翻译 2019-07-21 18:13:38 126




分析:本段首句主语是“本研究院”,其中研究院可以用institute,“本”的翻译会让考生小小纠结,可考虑用定冠词或代词,“the institute”和“our institute”较常用。“隶属”是比较专业的词汇,可选词汇有“be subordinate to”,“be attached to”、“be affiliated with/to”等。中国航天科技集团公司属于专有名词,译为“China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)”。

从句法上看,前三个小句是“简介”类文本经常出现的“表达信息组合”,具备现代汉语的典型特征,后面两句均为无主句,翻译时需要补充主语,或考虑将四个小句整合为一个复合句,例如:Founded on Feburary 20th, 1968 and affiliated with China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), the institute has become a major base of space technology and product development and has become Chinese backbone force in China’s space industry after 40 years development.但是,这样处理使结构略显臃肿,建议将其译为两句。“本研究院成立于1968年2月20日。隶属中国航天科技集团公司。”译为:Founded on February 20th, 1968, the institute is affiliated to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).译为“Affiliated to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, the institute was founded on February 20th, 1968.”也能被接受。

第四句也是个无主句,翻译时需要先补充主语,其主干结构为The institute is mainly engaged in...后面是并列的几个宾语。第五句话仍然是无主句,是上一句该研究所机构功能的补充,在语句衔接上需要使用链接手段,如:also、besides等。主句可使用“We also participate in ..., study...,undertake researches on...,and provide services...”,词汇选择上需要注意“外层空间outerspace”、“航天器spacecrafts”、“地面应用设备ground application equipment”的专业属性。


Founded on Feburary 20th 1968, the institute is affiliated to the China Aerospce Science and Technology Corporation. After 40 years of development, it has become/emerged as a major base of Chinese space technology and product development, and turns into the most powerful backbone of China’s space industry. Our institute is mainly engaged in services like space technology and aerocrafts development, spacecrafts development, international exchange and cooperation in space industry, and application of space technology. Besides, we also participate in the national space technology development planning, research on technical approaches relevant to outerspace exploration, development and exploitation, undertake researches and provide services as required on various aircrafts and ground application equipments develop.



分析:本段首句出现的专业化词汇较多,对考生可构成一定挑战,如“下设研究机构”可译为“subsidiary research organs”;“上市公司”可译为“listed company”;“全资子公司”为“wholly owned subsidaries”;“国家重点实验室”为“national key laboratory”。在句法上,本句包含“本研究院下设…,拥有…”、“建立了…”、“形成了…体系”三个相对独立完整的义群,所以建议拆成两或三个独立的英文语句。

第二句话主干结构为“本研究院拥有…人,其中包括8名……,12名…和1700多名…”。可以选择“there be”句型表示拥有,后面采用“8 of which”这种带有前置词的非限制性定于从句,也可以采用其他句式。最后一句结构单一,词汇简单。


Consisted of subsidiary organs like research institute and satellite manufacturer,the institute owns a listed company and several wholly-owned subsidiaries,establishing mutiple national key laboratories and a college for postgraduate education, internal training as well as customers training.  With seven industrial bases, the institue has formed a complete reserach and production system which are qualified in overall design of spacecrafts, subsystem development and production, satellite assembly test, environmental experiment, ground equipment manufacturing, satellite application, and service assurance, etc. There are more than 10,000 staff in our institute, 8 of which are numbers of Chinese Academicians, 12 national Outstanding  contribution experts and more than 1,700 senior professionals. Our institue has established wide link to areospace coporations and space research organizations in more than 10 countries and regions.

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