美丽英文诵读第18期:Motto for a Positive Outlook(积极人生座右铭)

英语阅读 2019-08-08 18:11:37 318
Refuse to be unhappy, be cheerful instead.拒绝心情不快,时刻神采飞扬。
Refuse to let your troubles multiply, just take them one by one.别让问题堆积如山,一个一个着手解决。
Organize your time, keep your life simple and exactly the way you want it.做时间的主人,以自己喜欢的方式简单地生活。
Refuse to complain about things, learn to improve your surroundings and create your world the way you believe it should be.不要抱怨,学习如何改善环境,创造你的理想世界。
Refuse to dwell on the mistakes or disappointments that are sometimes a part of life, instead learn how you can make things better.不要沉湎于错误和失望中难以自拔,有时它们是生活不可或缺的组成部分,学会从中吸取教训,下次做得更好。
Be optimistic.保持乐观。
Be energetic and positive about the things you do, and always hope for the best.保持旺盛精力和积极心态,追求完美。
Believe in yourself at all times and in all aspects of your life.相信自己,时时刻刻,事事处处。
Before you know it, those wonderful dreams you have believed in all your life will come true, and your life will be the happy and successful life that it was meant to be.等你明白这一切,生命中的美好愿望都将实现。生活将如你所愿,快乐幸福并且成功。
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