英语名人故事-INTEL 的 CEO
Craig Barrett AGE: 59 Intel 3-year return: 318% CEO since: 1998 At least life at the top hasn\'t been dull for Barrett, the 25-year Intel veteran who stepped into the CEO slot at the beginning of 1998. Since then, the company has been blindsided by the sudden rise of the market for sub-$1,000 PCs, had its dirty laundry aired at the Microsoft antitrust trial, and settled a patent-infringement complaint by the U.S. Justice Department even as the feds continue to probe other Intel business practices. Worst of all, two Intel employees were murdered under horrifying circumstances in Uganda in early March. Throughout this trying time, Barrett has maintained his focus on Intel\'s manufacturing operations. For good reason: As microchips find their way into ever more non-PC devices, they will have to become even smaller and more versatile. "You need a guy like Barrett to manage that transition," says Cowen & Co. analyst Drew Peck.克雷格?巴雷特是一名有二十五年因特网操作经验的老手,他在1998年开始涉足CEO行业,当时他已经有五十多岁了,但是他的这一做法是明智的。那时,美国因特尔公司对降低电脑价位1000美元的突然举措毫无防备,还参加了针对微软公司的反托拉斯主义运动,并且还卷入了美国司法部门的侵权案当中。更糟糕的是,有两名因特网公司的员工三月初在乌干达的恐怖事件中被人谋杀。在这个困难时期,克雷格?巴雷特仍然始终密切关注公司的正常生产和经营活动。对此巴雷特有充分的理由:因为微芯片在非电脑设备中找到了它的潜在市场,但是微芯片产品必须体积更小并且具有更多的功能。“我们必要有一个像巴雷特那样的人在这样的时期进行生产和经营上的管理。” Cowen & Co 公司的分析家朱?培克如是说。Business Philosophy: Look ahead rather than back. Set high expectations, and meet deadlines. 运营理念:一切向前看而不是往后看。制定较高的奋斗目标,然后如期实现。Headache: Competitors such as Advanced Micro Devices, which was much quicker than Intel to spot the growth potential of sub-$1,000 PCs. 最头痛的事情:强有力的竞争对手,例如比因特网公司早一步发现公司潜在的增长并且率先降低电脑价位1000美元的先进的微软设备等。True story: In 1986, when Japan ruled the semiconductor market, Barrett learned everything he could about Japanese manufacturing practices. He applied what he learned at Intel\'s chip-fabrication plants. Today, the Japanese emulate Intel. 真实故事:1986年,当日本占领了半导体市场时,克雷格?巴雷特从日本公司学到了有关的生产时间经验,随后他将这些经验应用到芯片的制作和生产中。而现在的事实是日本人正在仿效因特网公司的做法。. Management Style: A plant-floor guy. Before he was named CEO, he personally inspected each of Intel\'s dozens of fabrication plants around the world. Former CEO Andy Grove joked that Barrett had collected enough frequent-flier miles to buy his own airline. 管理风格:是一个以工厂为家的人。在出任CEO之前,巴雷特曾经参观了全世界范围内的所有的因特网公司的加工制造厂。前任CEO安迪?格诺夫曾经开玩笑说巴雷特已经收集了所有的飞行路线,他都可以购买一架自己的飞机了。Personal Strengths: Detail-oriented and disciplined. And to the relief of those weary of his predecessor\'s fractious and intimidating style, he\'s not Andy Grove. 个人优点:注意细节,遵守纪律。相比前任CEO安迪?格诺夫而言,巴雷特没有他那么脾气暴躁,也没有他的那种强制性风格。Habits: Works in a nine-foot-square gray cubicle, like everyone else at Intel. Always takes the stairs up and down the five flights to his office space. Picks up after litterbugs. 习惯:他习惯在一间九平方英尺的小工作间中工作,就像其他的所有员工那样。他总是在五级楼梯上爬上爬下进入他自己的工作天地。他厌恶那些在街道或公共场所乱丢垃圾的人。Resume highlight: Before he joined Intel, he was a tenured Stanford professor (he holds a Ph.D. in materials science). 个人简历中最引以为荣的事情:在加入因特尔公司之前,巴雷特是美国史坦福大学的教授(他是材料科学部的哲学博士)。How he got the job: Worked hand-in-glove with Grove for 24 years. 工作背景:他为GROVE工作了二十四年时间。Other interest: Outdoor sports, especially fly-fishing. 其他爱好:户外运动,特别是用假蝇钓鱼。Corporate goal: To make Intel\'s existing plants even more productive and efficient. 公司奋斗目标:使因特尔公司现有的工厂高产、高效。Financial reward: Barrett owns more than 840,000 Intel shares, worth in excess of $100 million. 财政奖赏:克雷格?巴雷特拥有84万份因特尔公司的股份,价值超过1亿美元。