
英语阅读 2019-08-06 06:12:27 93
Russell T. Lewis
The New York Times
3-year return: 130%
Age: 51
CEO since: 1997

Lewis made major strides last year toward reinventing the Times as a national newspaper. Along with chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr., whose family still owns a controlling interest, Lewis coordinated a $1 billion plan that, among other things, introduced color. The two also transformed the paper into a six-section daily, opened printing plants in Washington, D.C., and Boston to improve northeastern distribution, and pushed the national edition into dozens of new markets. Revenue grew 2.5 percent to almost $3 billion.

路易斯(Lewis)去年取得了令人瞩目的成绩,他使纽约时报重新成为全国性报纸。与主席小亚瑟?萨尔兹伯格(Arthur Sulzberger Jr.,其家族手中掌握着该报的控制权)一起,路易斯协调了一项10亿美元的计划用于引进彩色印刷及其它许多项目。另外,两个人将报纸变成了每天六部分,并在华盛顿特区和波士顿建立了印刷厂以促进西北部的发行工作,还将国内版打入了许多新市场中。其年收入增涨了2.5 %,达到近30亿美元。

Business philosophy: "The collective intellect and industry of a group yields greater results than any one individual."


Headaches: A slowdown in traditional newspaper advertising. The proliferation of media choices, especially the Internet, threaten to cannibalize both readership and prestige.


True story: While on active duty as a National Guardsman delivering U.S. mail during a postal strike, he secretly gathered information for a Times story. Narrowly avoided court-martial but won a National Publishers award.


Management Style: "I\'m more interested in making sure we have the right people in the right places than in telling people what to do."

管理风格:“我最关心的是我们是否有适合的人选处在适合的位子上,而不是不断地告诉人们应该做些什么。” Strength: Getting people with different styles, ideas, and backgrounds to cooperate.


Weakness: Untested in standing up to the Sulzberger family during crisis or recession.


Habits: Out the door by 6:15 a.m. Prefers face-to-face meetings to E-mail or phone calls.


Other interests: Fitness, running. Says he\'s a lousy golfer, but loves the game. Corporate goals.


Increasing circulation by a quarter of a million copies daily and by 300,000 on Sunday in ten years. Opening four new printing-plant sites and increasing the number of registered users on the Times Web site from 6.2 million to 9 million by year\'s end.


Personal goal: To protect the 150-year Times not only as a business but as an institution vital to the national conscience.


Financial reward: 1998 salary of $503,100. Bonus of $570,000.


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