
英语阅读 2019-08-06 00:11:52 100

In school, Allison was a very competitive team sport player and almost pursued a career as a physical education teacher, but snooker was the game she excelled in. She got her start in Snooker by simply falling in love with the game.

“My first interest in snooker occurred when I was seven years old. My dad was watching a snooker competition on the television, and I liked what I saw so much that I asked for a table. Being the youngest and spoilt, my with was granted. I became the proud owner of the smallest competitive table on earth: 1.5 long. I graduated to a 6’ x 3’ table when I was eleven years old, and challenged everyone who entered our house. Whether they liked it or not! When I was twelve years old, I went to the Peacehaven Central Club with my parents where, for the first time I saw a full size snooker table(12’×6’). I had a burning desire to play on it. I went home that night and I was crying in bed. My mum came in and asked me what was wrong. “I want to play on the big table.’ I replied. So she asked my dad to ask the owner, John Copper, if I could play on it. And he made my dreams come true.”

At thirteen Allison got into a league, and at fifteen she was seriously competing in the world of Snooker. By the age of seventeen, she had won her first world title and never looked back. From then until the age of twenty-seven. Allison Fisher was a dominant  force in the world of Snooker, She left Snooker, winning over 80 national titles and eleven world championships, including three mixed doubles and the only Ladies Mixed Doubles event ever held. She played in her first Women’s Professional Billiards Association (WPBA) Tournament in October 1995. This newcomer startled everyone by winning two of her four events, and by placing third in the World Pool Association (WPA) World 9-Ball Championship In 1996 Allison continued to storm the tour with seven first place finishes, and a # I ranking. As she would for the next three years, Allison earned Player of the Year honors from Billiards Digest and Pool and Billiard Magazine. She also won her first WPA World 9-Ball championship, and her first WPBA Championship.

She kept up her stellar performances in 1997 by winning six of eleven WPBA events. Allison defended her championship when she again won the WPA World 9-Ball title. As in 1996, this year saw Allison Fisher end with the # I ranking in the WPBA. Her peers also honored her with a “Most Congenial Player” award from the Year-End Billiards Digest Awards.

On the personal side, Allison is British enough to miss her Mom’s pot roast, the atmosphere in pubs, small villages, lifelong friends and family, and Alfie, her dog. Never one for the “bar scene,” a great evening for Allison is to have good food, good friends, and a night of laughter ·····

As good as she has been for the game. Allison is quick to point out that it has been even to her. Allison Fisher has always counted her blessings and since her beginning, she has never hesitated to give her time to worthy charities. She has a heart of gold and never hesitates to involve herself where she can help others.

Her sponsors are proud to have her associated with them, and Allison only promotes what she believes in .Be sure and take a peek at her sponsor page, as well as Allison’s new line of signature cues. Allison is also developing a new series of instructional videotapes that are intensely focused on the fundamentals, concentration and technique that have made her game what it is today. With Pool and Billiards on the rise with Olympic recognition. And even more television exposure thanks to the WPBA; Allison Fisher continues to be at the top of her game. Her desire is to see the sport enjoy the same “boom” in popularity that tennis enjoyed in the 1970’s. For Allison the sport itself comes ahead of the player. Family, friends, her new home and the intense level of competition keep her on her toes and enjoying life to its fullest. As Allison would say “Cheers all! Hope to see you soon!”


“我最初对斯诺克产生兴趣是在七岁的时候。当时爸爸正从电视上观看一场斯诺克比赛,我看到后非常喜欢,于是就想要一张球桌。作为家中的老小被娇生惯养,我的愿望被满足了。我荣幸地成为这张世上最小的比赛球桌的主人:桌长一又二分之一尺。十一岁时我升级到使用一张6乘3尺的球桌,并向每个进我家的人挑战,不管他 们喜不喜欢。十二岁时,我和父母一起去皮斯汉温中心俱乐部,在那里我头一次见到了一张标准尺寸的斯诺克桌(12乘6尺)。我心急火燎,跃跃欲试。当晚回到家我在床上哭了。妈妈进来问我怎么了。‘我想在那张大球桌上打球,’我答道。于是她叫爸爸问问球桌的主人——约翰·库伯,我可不可以在那上面打台球,结果他使我的梦想成了真。”


1997 年她一直表现出色,赢得了十一项WPBA中的六项。埃里森用再度获得WPA世界九球冠军捍卫了自己的冠军地位。像1996年一样,1997年埃里森·费希尔以在WPBA中排名第一而告终。她的同事也称她为“最和善的球员”,这是年终台球文摘奖的其中一项。



她的赞助商们对她能与自己合作而骄傲,同时埃里森只对她信赖的商品进行宣传。不信就看看她的赞助商的名单,或是埃里森新签名的球杆。埃里森同时也出一系列教学录像带专门针对基本原理、注意力和技巧的练习,这些才使她有了今天。随着台球被奥运会的认可,其地位不断上升,并由于WPBA的努力甚至是电视播放也有所增多;埃里森·费希尔继续在比赛中名列前茅。她的愿望是能看到这项赛事,就如同七十年代的网球那样其受欢迎的程度无与伦比。对于埃里森来说重在参与。家庭、朋友、她的新家和激烈的比赛都使她十分投入,并且最大限度地享受着生活。正如埃里森所常说的:“振作起来!希望不久能见到你!” 埃里森 埃里森的一天 埃里森简介 埃里森谁都不服 埃里森 中国 埃里森的动力 埃里森勇士 拉尔夫埃里森 埃里森演讲


