节选A Life in Two Worlds 作者: 姚明

英语阅读 2019-08-05 12:11:57 83
At just 24 years old, Yao Ming is already one of the most popular and respected players in the NBA. But Yao\'s road to professional basketball wasn\'t clear-cut until just a few years before he joined the league. In this excerpt from his new book, "Yao: A Life in Two Worlds" (written by Yao Ming with Ric Bucher), Yao recounts the winding and often humorous road he took from China to the NBA. Here\'s how Yao and others remember his journey to sports stardom.
<<我的世界我的梦>> \'A Life in Two Worlds\'  作者:  姚明 

I left China for the first time in 1997 to go to the Nike camp in Paris. That’s where I met my first NBA star, Tim Hardaway, who was one of the camp counselors. He looked like the rest of us—two hands, two legs, one head—but he was quicker than anybody I’d ever seen, especially the way he dribbled the ball. His footwork, his hands—all quick. He would challenge everyone to play one-on-one until he was too tired to move. I don’t remember who the best player in camp was because I didn’t know what good basketball was then. There were eighty-five players at the camp, and I wore number 85. I wasn’t worried about how good Hardaway was because at that time I was just thinking I’d play in the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA). I didn’t think I’d see anyone like Hardaway again.   


Yao at a recent book signing at the NBA Store in New York.
(Jennifer Pottheiser
NBAE/Getty Images)
Buy a copy of the bookYAO ZHI YUAN (Yao Ming\'s father): The trip to Paris made a big impression on Yao Ming. He was there for only six days, but he learned a lot—not just about basketball, but maybe about himself and his place in the world of basketball. He found out there are a lot of great players outside of China and how good a player could be. He knew for the first time where he stood among the best young players in the world. He thought, “I’m not that good, but I’m not that bad.” When he went to Paris, he learned what was possible. There was no way to really know that until he left China. Then when he went to the U.S., it was more about learning how to improve his game and reach the level he’d seen in Paris.  姚志源(姚明父亲):巴黎之行给他留下了最深刻的印象。他只去了6天,但学了很多。


The winter after I went to Paris, I broke my left foot. This was near the end of my last season with the Shanghai Sharks’ junior team. I jumped for a rebound and landed on somebody else’s foot. I sprained my ankle on that play, too. I think if I hadn’t gotten hurt, they would’ve brought me up to the Sharks before the season ended.


Instead, I finally joined the Sharks the next season, didn’t get hurt, and averaged 10 points and 8.3 rebounds. I didn’t win Rookie of the Year, just like in the NBA—but the CBA didn’t have a Rookie of the Year award at that time. Now they do. They also have moved the CBA All-Star Game from after the season to the middle of the season, just like in the NBA. The two leagues are looking more and more alike.


The next year, I broke the same foot again, this time in a pre-season game in December. Someone stepped on my left foot just before I tried to move. I didn’t play until the end of the season, the last twelve games. When Houston first saw X-rays of my feet, they saw that my left foot had been broken a couple of times and were worried I might have serious problems and not be able to play. They had their team doctor fly to Beijing and check me out.


The doctor said I was OK, but I can tell you I haven’t jumped the same since the second break. Not that I could jump high before then. The first time I tried to dunk, I was thirteen years old and about 6-2. I didn’t miss by a little, I missed by a lot. Dunking wasn’t that important in China, so I didn’t worry about it. A couple of years later I tried again and still couldn’t do it. Then one day when I was fifteen, about six months after I’d last tried, I was walking across the court to put a ball away after a junior Sharks practice and decided to try. I surprised myself. I did it. I was about 6-8 then. The Chinese always say, “You don’t want to think about it, you just do it. That’s how you become strong.” But when I tried again the next day, I missed.



 It was after that season, playing for the junior national team, that I dunked in a game for the first time. I had fallen down near our basket, and the other team went on a fast break but missed the layup. Someone threw me the ball, and I was all alone. I remember I jumped really, really high. My head was at the rim.


The next time I dunked was playing for the Sharks in my second game as a rookie. We were down by 10 with a minute left and won! I scored 7 points, including a dunk while being fouled. A guard drove and passed the ball to me, and I made it even though someone bumped me.


I know I can’t jump very well, but I feel lost at the start of a game when I don’t jump for the tipoff. I’m almost always the tallest player on the court, so it feels strange to watch someone smaller jump center. I’ve had time to get used to it; even before I joined the Rockets, there were times I didn’t jump center. When both Wang Zhi Zhi and I were on the national team, he would jump for tipoffs because he can jump much quicker and higher than I can. He even won the CBA dunk contest during his last year playing in China. In my rookie year with the Rockets, our power forward, Eddie Griffin, jumped center, except for the first time I played Shaquille O’Neal. Eddie started to line up to jump when Stevie pushed me in the middle and told me to do it. That meant a lot. It showed he had confidence in me. It was almost like a movie the way he did it, waiting until the last second and then pushing me in there. Very dramatic.  

虽然我不能再跳,一场比赛开始时我不跳着出场会觉得失落。我几乎总是场上最高的球员,看个头小得多的球员跳入场中觉得很奇怪。我有时间慢慢去适应———即使在加入火箭队之前,我也有不跳着出场的时候。王治郅和我都在国家队的时候,他会跳入场,因为他比我跳得高得多。我在火箭队的新人年,我们的大前锋埃迪·格里芬跳入场中。埃迪格排队准备跳的时候,斯蒂夫会把我推到中间,让我也做。这对我意味着许多,说明他对我有信心。  他的做法几乎像部电影,等到最后一秒钟推我出场。非常有戏剧性。


I first thought I might be good enough to play in the NBA when I was eighteen years old and came back to China after two months of playing in the U.S. I never expected to play as well as I did. As a junior player, I had played against players in China who were two and three years older, and when I joined the Sharks senior team at seventeen, the players were as much as five and six years older than me. I struggled because they were so much stronger and had been playing much longer. In the U.S., I finally played against players around my age, and it made a big difference.  我第一次想到自己可以跻身NBA是在1998年,那时我18岁,在美国打了两个月球回到国内。我从未想到我能打得那么好。知道为什么吗?那以前,我在中国打球的对手都比我大得多,在青年队时对手大我两三岁,在17岁进入大鲨鱼队时对手大我五六岁。这让我打得很费力,因为他们长得比我壮,球龄比我长。在美国,我终于跟自己同龄的人打球了,感觉很不一样。

Yao earned respect from Tyson Chandler during amateur basketball camps.
(Jesse D. Garrabrant/NBAE/Getty Images)The trip started in Indianapolis with a Nike camp. Then (Chinese national team and Shanghai Sharks teammate) Liu Wei and I went to Dallas to join an AAU team called High Five. That team traveled all over the country playing in tournaments. That was when you could take players from anywhere and put them on one team. Now it’s different, I guess: you have to live within 100 miles of your team’s home city. Dallas is where I first met Teyo Johnson, who is now a tight end for the Oakland Raiders. Teyo and I have been friends ever since.  美国之行是从位于印第安纳波利斯的耐克训练营开始的。而后,刘炜和我前往达拉斯加入了AAU(美国业余体育联合会)的一支叫HighFive的球队。这支球队在全美四处巡回,参加锦标赛。在巡回比赛时,球队可以从任何地方挑选球员到他们队里。现在不同了,球队只能从其所在城市100英里范围内挑选球员。我在达拉斯第一次见到泰约·约翰逊,他现在是奥克兰突击者队的边锋,我们从那时起就一直是朋友。

TEYO JOHNSON (tight end for the Oakland Raiders): I flew on a red-eye into Dallas. When I got to the hotel and gave my name, the girl at the front desk said, “Oh, you’re with the big Chinese dude.” I thought, “What, I’ve joined a team of foreign-exchange students?” I went up to the room and knocked, but when no one answered, I stuck my key in the slot. Just then Yao Ming answered the door. In his underwear. Tighty-whities. And all I could see was up to his chin in the doorway. He and Liu Wei were sacked out. He let me in and went back to bed. They had a cot set up for me. I called my mom right away and whispered, “There’s this 7-6 dude in my room, and he’s Chinese!” She said, “Yeah, the Mongolians and Huns can be really big.” I didn’t know what to think until we went to practice the next day. That’s where I found out—this dude could play.


I played everywhere in those two months. After Dallas we went to Stetson University in Florida; AAU summer leagues or tournaments in Orlando, San Diego, Phoenix, and Augusta, Georgia; and Michael Jordan’s camp in Santa Barbara. We didn’t know where we were or where we were going most of the time. At Stetson I worked out every day with Lee Scruggs, the center who played at Georgetown. He’s playing now in the NBDL, the NBA’s minor league. The coach working with us was Tates Locke. He had just become a scout for the Blazers, after many years as a college coach.


I played with High Five for the last time in San Diego. We stayed in dormitories at United States International University. The High Five camp was in a big building right next to the campus. On the other side of the highway there was a military base with fighter jets; we could see them landing and taking off every morning as we walked from the university to the High Five gym.

I played against Tyson Chandler for the first time in San Diego. He was only fifteen years old, and people were already saying he could play in the NBA. He dunked on me and he played very well, but I played good defense, and I had a good jumper already then. I was three years older, but after that I thought, “Some day I could be good enough to play in the NBA, too.”

  在圣地亚哥,我为High Five队打最后一次球。我们住在美国国际大学,就在HighFive夏令营所在的高大建筑物隔壁。隔着高速公路的对面是个军事基地,每天早上从大学走到High Five体育馆的路上,我们都看到战斗机起降。在圣地亚哥我第一次和泰森·钱德勒打球。他只有15岁,人们已经说他能打NBA。他对着我灌篮,球打得非常好,但我防守很好,跳投也已经很不错。我比他大3岁,从那以后我就想,“也许有一天我也能够打入NBA。”

TEYO JOHNSON: We lost that game by one point. I thought Yao destroyed Tyson. He threw one of his shots back to half-court near the end of that game. Yao was hitting his jumper, too. Even then he could shoot and I could tell how athletic he was. I knew he’d get tougher and that’s all he really needed.


TYSON CHANDLER (forward and center for the Chicago Bulls): The first time I saw him, I thought, “That’s an amazing man.” I was always the biggest guy around, but he towered over me—a big dude with a soft touch who could pass the ball. I hadn’t played with any foreigners at that time. Being on the court with this huge man, someone who didn’t know English and came all the way from China, was just a crazy experience for me, so it had to be a crazy experience for him.



The whole game he was just knocking down his jump shot, showing no emotion. Then I came down, dunked on him, and screamed at him. Amunicate, but we connected. We’ve been boys ever since. I didn’t see him again for years, but I’d call him every six months or so and set up a three-way conference call with a translator. He called me from China the day I was drafted by the Raiders to congratulate me, and when I saw him at his second All-Star Game, he gave me his jersey. The way I see it, we’re friends for life.


After San Diego, I went to Jordan’s camp and worked as a counselor, but we played every night. In the trophy case in my home in Shanghai, I have two pictures of me with Jordan. One is the picture he took with everybody who worked or played at the camp. The other is of me walking off the court and Jordan patting me on the back. I’m smiling, but I look very skinny. One reason is that I had only $200 for the whole two-month trip. Liu Wei took something like $150 with him. The first two weeks, we didn’t need to pay for anything; Li Yaomin, the Sharks GM, took care of us. But after the Nike Camp in Indianapolis, he went back to China and took all his money with him. We were two young Chinese kids without any money, playing in places like Augusta, Georgia, and Orlando.


So for two weeks, Liu Wei and I ate nothing but 99-cent double cheeseburgers and the free breakfast they had in our motel lobby every morning. We made sure to get there very early.


Liu Wei and Yao lived off of cheeseburgers and hotel breakfasts during their stay in the U.S.
(Rocky Widner/NBAE/Getty Images)When another coach from China came over to check on us, he said, “You look skinny.”“Of course,” I said.


LIU WEI: Actually, Yao Ming ate two cheeseburgers every day while I had one. Since I was injured and couldn’t play, we decided he needed more food than I did.


I guess Li Yaomin didn’t know that in America a player has to pay for his own food. Maybe he thought it was like in China, where there’s always a free buffet for the players at every hotel or the team pays for everything. I’m hoping that’s what he thought. The High Five coach, Rle Nichols, lent us each $100 after we used up our own money. Rle is 5-6 and I couldn’t speak English then, so we called him “Little Coach” in Chinese. I don’t know where he is now, but I still owe him $100.   我猜李耀民不知道在美国球员自己付饭钱,也许他以为像中国一样,每个酒店都有免费自助餐给球员,或者球队会包揽所有费用。我希望他是那样想的。我们的钱用完后,HighFive的教练里尔·尼克斯借给我们每人100元。里尔只有5英尺6(1米68),那时我不会英文,就叫他“小教练”。我不知道他现在在哪里,我得还给他100元。

After Jordan’s camp in Santa Barbara, Nike took me to Portland to relax. They let Liu Wei come with me. We went to a batting cage and I tried to hit a baseball. Out of ten swings, I hit the ball maybe once. Maybe. They also took us to Jet Ski on the Willamette River. I liked it, but that was pretty scary—maybe the scariest thing I’ve ever done.


TEYO JOHNSON: He had me flown up to Portland, too, to hang out with him. Nike was going after him hard then already. He showed no fear Jet Skiing that I could see. When I was riding on the back he’d gun it, take a sharp turn, and fling me off the back. He got a kick out of doing that.


LIU WEI: When we went to the batting cage, he took more than ten swings and didn’t come close to hitting the ball, not even once. The best part of the Jet Skiing was when Yao Ming fell off and couldn’t climb back on. He finally had to grab the back of my machine, and I towed him back to the dock. 刘炜(国家队队员):我们去棒球练习场,他打了十几杆,1杆都没打着,差得远。水上摩托最好玩的乐子,就是当姚明从自己的摩托上摔下爬不回去的时候。最后他抓住我的摩托后部,我把他拖回码头。

When we finally flew back to Shanghai, there was a lot of media waiting at the gate. I’d been away two months, and I hadn’t had a haircut the whole time. My hair was so long, I thought I looked like Dr. J or Ben Wallace. And even though we ate better in San Diego and Portland, I was still really skinny. Big hair, skinny body. When I saw myself on TV, I thought, “That’s me?”   



曲作者姚明 词作者姚明 姚明文选的作者是 姚明 全国人姚明 姚明月 一突姚明 姚明明的个人资料 梦北京曲作者姚明


