英语幽默小故事-Which One to Call Back

英语阅读 2019-08-05 12:11:36 335

  After I took office as mayor of a small Kentucky city, an unfortunate incident precipitated some hateful phone calls to my home. One night while I was conducting a city-council meeting, my wife answered the phone.

  "Is this the home of Bert May, the mayor?" a woman\'s voice asked.

  When my wife explained that I was at a meeting and would return her call if she left a name and number, the caller said. "That\'s confidential. This is his girlfriend. "

  My wife, knowing this was all a ruse, calmly responded, "Lady, if you don\'t leave your name and number, he won\'t know which one to call back


  (1) take office 任职 (4) confidential adj.保密的

  (2) precipitate v.使突然发生 (5) ruse n.欺诈

  (3) conduct v.主持



  ① What did the husband take office as?

  A. president of a big company

  B. mayor of a big city

  C. mayor of a small city

  D. mayor of Kentucky

  ② What happened after he took office?

  A. an unfortunate incident

  B. an earthquake

  C. the opening ceremony of a company

  D. his wife got ill

  ③The word "precipitate" in "an unfortunate incident precipitated some hateful phones to my home" probably means _____.

  A. to return

  B. to receive

  C. to initiate

  D. to get

  ④ Why wouldn\'t the woman on the line leave her name and number?

  A. Because she had no name or number.

  B. Because she was not allowed to do so by her husband.

  C. Because she was too nervous to remind herself of her name and number.

  D. Because she was just playing a dirty trick.

  ⑤ From the passage we can see that _____.

  A. the mayor had many girlfriends

  B. the woman on line had dialed the wrong number

  C. the wife of the mayor was quick-minded

  D. the mayor would return the woman\'s call








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