英语幽默小故事-The Shepherd and the Bureaucrat

英语阅读 2019-08-05 06:11:21 108

  A bureaucrat was hiking when he came upon a shepherd tending a large flock. The bureaucrat took a fancy to the sheep and asked the shepherd, "If I can guess how many there are, may I have one?" The shepherd thought it unlikely the man would guess the exact number, so he agreed.

  The bureaucrat guessed, "You have 287 sheep." The shepherd was astonished, since this was exactly right.

  "Can I pick out my sheep now?" asked the bureaucrat. The shepherd grudgingly gave his permission. Selecting one, the bureaucrat slung it over his shoulders to carry home.

  The shepherd got an idea." If I guess your occupation\'," he said, "may I have my sheep back?" The bureaucrat was surprised, but figured there was little chance of the shepherd guessing correctly, so he went along. "You\'re a bureaucrat, "announced the shepherd. Amazed, the bureaucrat asked.

  "How did you know?"

  The shepherd replied, "Put the dog down and we\'ll talk about it.


  (1) bureaucrat n.官僚

  (2) come upon偶然遇到

  (3) shepherd n.牧羊人

  (4) take a fancy to sth 喜爱

  (5) astonish v.使惊骇

  (6) pick out挑选

  (7) grudgingly adv.不情愿地

  (8) sling v.用力投掷

  (9) occupation n.职业;工作

  (10) figure v.料想;推断



  ① What was the bureaucrat doing when he saw the shepherd?

  A. He was driving in the countryside.

  B. He was fishing in the countryside.

  C. He was having a walk in the countryside.

  D. He was hunting in the countryside.

  ② How many sheep did the shepherd have?

  A. one hundred and eighty seven

  B. two hundred and eighty seven

  C. three hundred and eighty seven

  D. eight hundred and seventy two

  ③ How did the shepherd feel when the bureaucrat guessed right?

  A. He was very delighted.

  B. He was puzzled.

  C. He was very sad

  D. He was greatly surprised.

  ④ How many sheep did the bureaucrat choose?

  A. one

  B. two

  C. three

  D. four

  ⑤ How could the shepherd guess the man\'s occupation as a bureaucrat?

  A. The bureaucrat\'s wearing told him.

  B. The bureaucrat\'s words told what his occupation was.

  C. The bureaucrat had mistaken a dog for a sheep -

  D. The shepherd overheard that the man was a bureaucrat.










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