英语幽默小故事-Who Was That Man

英语阅读 2019-08-05 00:11:47 90
  The owner of a small travel agency saw an attractive couple gazing at his travel poster. Suddenly inspired, he ran up and told them his idea. "I\'ll give you an all-expenses-paid vacation in exchange for appearing in ads endorsing my agency." They agreed on the spot.   Three weeks later he met them at the airport. While the man checked on their baggage, the travel agent asked the woman about the trip. "The food on the cruise ship was wonderful," she said, — and flying the Colorado was a thrill. But I do have one question. Who was that man I had to sleep with every night?" Notes:   (1) all-expenses-paid 所有费用已付的   (2) in exchange for交换   (3) endorse v.认可;赞同   (4) on the spot当场   (5) thrill n.激动;震颤 Exercises: 根据短文回答下列问题:   ① What were the man and the woman doing when the travel agent saw them?   ② What was the travel agent\'s idea?   ③ How long was the vacation for the man and the woman?   ④ How was the trip according to the woman?   ⑤ What was the woman\'s question? 99.那男子是谁   一位小旅行社的老板看到漂亮的一男一女正在他的旅游广告牌前驻足观看。他突然灵机一动,跑上前去告诉他们他的主意:“我为你们提供一次免费的旅游,作为交换条件,你们必须在广告中称赞我的旅行社。”他们当场表示同意。   三周后,他在机场见到他们。那位男子在检查行李时,这位旅行经纪人问那女子旅行情况。“游船上的食物很好,”她说,“而且飞越科罗拉多大峡谷实在刺激。不过我确实想问一个问题,那每天晚上我都必须和他睡在一起的男人是谁?” 练习参考答案:     ① They were gazing at the travel poster.   ② He would give them an all-expenses-paid vacation in exchange for their appearing in ads endorsing his travel agency.   ③ Three weeks.   ④ Wonderful.   ⑤ The woman wanted to know who the man was.

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