英语幽默小故事-A Holiday from School

英语阅读 2019-08-04 18:11:45 115
  Tommy hated school and was always looking for excuses not to go.   If he sneezed, he asked his mother to write a note saying he had a cold.   If he had a headache, he asked his mother to take him to the doctor during school hours.   He spent more time at home than he did at school.   On the days that he did go to school, he looked for excuses to come home early.   One morning he came home when the lessons were only half finished.   His father was surprised.   "You\'ve come home early," he said. "Is the school closed today?"   "No, Dad, " Tommy said - "It\'s open. I came home early.   "How did you do that?" his father asked him. "What did you say to the teacher?"   "I told her that I had a new baby brother and that I had to come home and help you . "   "But your mother has had twins," his father said, "a boy and a girl. You\'ve got a baby brother and a baby sister."   "Yes, I know, Dad, " Tommy said. "I\'m saving up my baby sister for next week " Notes:   (1) sneeze v.打喷嚏   (2) twins n.双胞胎   (3) save up留着 Exercises: 根据短文选择正确答案:   ①Tommy tried to find excuses for not going to school because _____.   A. it made him sneeze   B. it gave him a headache   C. he was too busy   D. he didn\'t like it   ② Tommy spent most of his time_____ .   A. at school   B. at home   C. at the doctor   D. in bed   ③ When he did go to school, he_____ .   A. was always late   B. tried to leave early   C. was often in trouble   D. was always sick   ④ He did not tell his teacher about the twins because_____ .   A. they were very young   B. he didn\'t know about them   C. he wanted to keep one of them for another excuse   D. they were too new   ⑤ We can tell for sure that it is _____that is looking after the twins.   A. the mother   B. Tommy   C. the father   D. the teacher 138.休假   汤姆讨厌上学,总是找借口不去上学。   如果他打喷嚏,他就叫他妈妈写个纸条说他感冒了。   如果他头痛,他就叫他妈妈在上课时间带他去看病。   他呆在家里的时间比在学校的时间要多。   在他的确去上学的日子里,他就找借口早点回家。   一天早上他上了一半课就从学校回来了。   他爸爸很惊讶。   “你回来很早,”他爸爸问,“今天学校放学了吗?”   “没有,爸爸,”汤姆说,“还没放学。我提前回来了。”   “你怎么会提前回来了?”爸爸问,“你对老师说什么了?”   “我告诉她我有了一个小弟弟,我得回家帮你。”   “但是你妈妈生了一对双胞胎,”爸爸说,“一个男孩,一个女孩。你有一个小弟弟和一个小妹妹。”   “是的,我知道,爸爸,”汤姆说,“我要等下个星期再说我有个小妹妹了。” 练习参考答案: ①D②B③B④C⑤C

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