英语寓言故事-Hercules and Pallas

英语阅读 2019-08-03 06:11:40 74
Hercules, once journeying along a narrow roadway, came across a
strange-looking animal that reared its head and threatened him.
Nothing daunted, the hero gave him a few lusty blows with his club,
and thought to have gone on his way. The monster, however, much to the
astonishment of Hercules, was now three times as big as it was before,
and of a still more threatening aspect. He thereupon redoubled his
blows and laid about him fast and furiously; but the harder and
quicker the strokes of the club, the bigger and more frightful grew
the monster, and now completely filled up the road. Pallas then
appeared upon the scene. "Stop, Hercules," said she. "Cease your
blows. The monster\'s name is Strife. Let it alone, and it will soon
become as little as it was at first."

"Strife feeds on conflict."
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