The Little Hare

英语阅读 2019-08-02 12:11:28 157
Once upon a time...
A long, long way off, in a land where water is very scarce, there lived a man and his wife and several children. One day the wife said to her husband, \'I am pining to have the liver of a nyamatsane for my dinner. If you love me as much as you say you do, you will go out and hunt for a nyamatsane, and will kill it and get its liver. If not, I shall know that your love is not worth having.\'
\'Bake some bread,\' was all her husband answered, \'then take the crust and put it in this little bag.\'
The wife did as she was told, and when she had finished she said to her husband, \'The bag is all ready and quite full.\'
\'Very well,\' said he, \'and now good-bye; I am going after the nyamatsane.\'
But the nyamatsane was not so easy to find as the woman had hoped. The husband walked on and on and on without ever seeing one, and every now and then he felt so hungry that he was obliged to eat one of the crusts of bread out of his bag. At last, when he was ready to drop from fatigue, he found himself on the edge of a great marsh, which bordered on one side the country of the nyamatsanes. But there were no more nyamatsanes here than anywhere else. They had all gone on a hunting expedition, as their larder was empty, and the only person left at home was their grandmother, who was so feeble she never went out of the house. Our friend looked on this as a great piece of luck, and made haste to kill her before the others returned, and to take out her liver, after which he dressed himself in her skin as well as he could. He had scarcely done this when he heard the noise of the nyamatsanes coming back to their grandmother, for they were very fond of her, and never stayed away from her longer than they could help. They rushed clattering into the hut, exclaiming, \'We smell human flesh! Some man is here,\' and began to look about for him; but they only saw their old grandmother, who answered, in a trembling voice, \'No, my children, no! What should any man be doing here?\' The nyamatsanes paid no attention to her, and began to open all the cupboards, and peep under all the beds, crying out all the while, \'A man is here! a man is here!\' but they could find nobody, and at length, tired out with their long day\'s hunting, they curled themselves up and fell asleep.
Next morning they woke up quite refreshed, and made ready to start on another expedition; but as they did not feel happy about their grandmother they said to her, \'Grandmother, won\'t you come to-day and feed with us?\' And they led their grandmother outside, and all of them began hungrily to eat pebbles. Our friend pretended to do the same, but in reality he slipped the stones into his pouch, and swallowed the crusts of bread instead. However, as the nyamatsanes did not see this they had no idea that he was not really their grandmother. When they had eaten a great many pebbles they thought they had done e

nough for that day, and all went home together and curled themselves up to sleep. Next morning when they woke they said, \'Let us go and amuse ourselves by jumping over the ditch,\' and every time they cleared it with a bound. Then they begged their grandmother to jump over it too, end with a tremendous effort she managed to spring right over to the other side. After this they had no doubt at all of its being their true grandmother, and went off to their hunting, leaving our friend at home in the hut.
As soon as they had gone out of sight our hero made haste to take the liver from the place where he had hid it, threw off the skin of the old nyamatsane, and ran away as hard as he could, only stopping to pick up a very brilliant and polished little stone, which he put in his bag by the side of the liver.
Towards evening the nyamatsanes came back to the hut full of anxiety to know how their grandmother had got on during their absence. The first thing they saw on entering the door was her skin lying on the floor, and then they knew that they had been deceived, and they said to each other, \'So we were right, after all, and it was human flesh we smelt.\' Then they stooped down to find traces of the man\'s footsteps, and when they had got them instantly set out in hot pursuit.
Meanwhile our friend had journeyed many miles, and was beginning to feel quite safe and comfortable, when, happening to look round, he saw in the distance a thick cloud of dust moving rapidly. His heart stood still within him, and he said to himself, \'I am lost. It is the nyamatsanes, and they will tear me in pieces,\' and indeed the cloud of dust was drawing near with amazing quickness, and the nyamatsanes almost felt as if they were already devouring him. Then as a last hope the man took the little stone that he had picked up out of his bag and flung it on the ground. The moment it touched the soil it became a huge rock, whose steep sides were smooth as glass, and on the top of it our hero hastily seated himself. It was in vain that the nyamatsanes tried to climb up and reach him; they slid down again much faster than they had gone up; and by sunset they were quite worn out, and fell asleep at the foot of the rock.
No sooner had the nyamatsanes tumbled off to sleep than the man stole softly down and fled away as fast as his legs would carry him, and by the time his enemies were awake he was a very long way off. They sprang quickly to their feet and began to sniff the soil round the rock, in order to discover traces of his footsteps, and they galloped after him with terrific speed. The chase continued for several days and nights; several times the nyamatsanes almost reached him, and each time he was saved by his little pebble.
Between his fright and his hurry he was almost dead of exhaustion when he reached his own village, where the nyamatsanes could not follow him, because of their enemies the dogs, which swarmed over all the ro

ads. So they returned home.
Then our friend staggered into his own hut and called to his wife: \'Ichou! how tired I am! Quick, give me something to drink. Then go and get fuel and light a fire.\'
So she did what she was bid, and then her husband took the nyamatsane\'s liver from his pouch and said to her, \'There, I have brought you what you wanted, and now you know that I love you truly.\'
And the wife answered, \'It is well. Now go and take out the children, so that I may remain alone in the hut,\' and as she spoke she lifted down an old stone pot and put on the liver to cook. Her husband watched her for a moment, and then said, \'Be sure you eat it all yourself. Do not give a scrap to any of the children, but eat every morsel up.\' So the woman took the liver and ate it all herself.
Directly the last mouthful had disappeared she was seized with such violent thirst that she caught up a great pot full of water and drank it at a single draught. Then, having no more in the house, she ran in next door and said, \'Neighbour, give me, I pray you, something to drink.\' The neighbour gave her a large vessel quite full, and the woman drank it off at a single draught, and held it out for more.
But the neighbour pushed her away, saying, \'No, I shall have none left for my children.\'
So the woman went into another house, and drank all the water she could find; but the more she drank the more thirsty she became. She wandered in this manner through the whole village till she had drunk every water-pot dry. Then she rushed off to the nearest spring, and swallowed that, and when she had finished all the springs and wells about she drank up first the river and then a lake. But by this time she had drunk so much that she could not rise from the ground.
In the evening, when it was time for the animals to have their drink before going to bed, they found the lake quite dry, and they had to make up their minds to be thirsty till the water flowed again and the streams were full. Even then, for some time, the lake was very dirty, and the lion, as king of the beasts, commanded that no one should drink till it was quite clear again.
But the little hare, who was fond of having his own way, and was very thirsty besides, stole quietly off when all the rest were asleep in their dens, and crept down to the margin of the lake and drank his fill. Then he smeared the dirty water all over the rabbit\'s face and paws, so that it might look as if it were he who had been disobeying Big Lion\'s orders.
The next day, as soon as it was light, Big Lion marched straight for the lake, and all the other beasts followed him. He saw at once that the water had been troubled again, and was very angry.
\'Who has been drinking my water?\' said he; and the little hare gave a jump, and, pointing to the rabbit, he answered, \'Look there! it must be he! Why, there is mud all over his face and paws!\'

The rabbit, frightened out of his wits, tried to deny the fact, exclaiming, \'Oh, no, indeed I never did;\' but Big Lion would not listen, and commanded them to cane him with a birch rod.
Now the little hare was very much pleased with his cleverness in causing the rabbit to be beaten instead of himself, and went about boasting of it. At last one of the other animals overheard him, and called out, \'Little hare, little hare! what is that you are saying?\'
But the little hare hastily replied, \'I only asked you to pass me my stick.\'
An hour or two later, thinking that no one was near him, he said to himself again, \'It was really I who drank up the water, but I made them think it was the rabbit.\'
But one of the beasts whose ears were longer than the rest caught the words, and went to tell Big Lion about it. Do you hear what the little hare is saying?\'
So Big Lion sent for the little hare, and asked him what he meant by talking like that.
The little hare saw that there was no use trying to hide it, so he answered pertl


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