
英语阅读 2019-07-31 18:11:31 83
Once upon a time there was a nice young man called Karim. He used to sell caps for a living, and roam around several villages.<注1> One day he would be in village A, the other day people would find him in village B.
  It was an afternoon in summer and he was traversing the vast plains when he felt tired and wanted to have a nap.<注2> He found a nice mango tree with lots of branches and cool shade,<注3> placed his bag of caps beside him and went to sleep. Tired as he was, he was quickly fast<注4> asleep. When he woke up after a refreshing<注5> little nap, he found that there weren\'t any caps in his bag!
  "Oh, Allah<注6>!", he said to himself, "Did the thieves have to find me of all people?<注7>" But then he noticed that the mango tree was full of cute<注8> monkeys wearing colourful caps!
  He yelled at the monkeys and they screamed back.<注9>He made faces at them and found the monkeys to be experts at that.<注10> He threw a stone at them and they showered him with raw mangoes.<注11>
  Frustrated, he took off his own cap and slammed it on the ground.<注12> And Lo<注13>, the stupid monkeys threw their caps too! Smart Karim didn\'t waste a second, collected the caps and was on his way.
  50 years later, young Abdul, grandson of famous Karim who was also working hard at making money and doing his family business<注14>, was going through the same jungle.
  After a long walk he was very tired and found a nice mango tree with lots of branches and cool shade. Abdul decided to rest a while and very soon was fast asleep. A few hours later, when Abdul woke up, he realised that all the caps from his bag were gone! Abdul started searching for the same and to his surprise<注15> found some monkeys sitting on mango tree wearing his caps.
  Abdul was frustrated and didn\'t know what to do. And then he remembered the story his grandfather proudly used to tell him.<注16>
  "Yes! I can fool<注17> these monkeys!!!", said Abdul. "I\'ll make them imitate<注18> me and very soon I\'ll get all my caps back!"
  Abdul waved at the monkeys - the Monkeys waved at Abdul
  Abdul started dancing - the Monkeys were also dancing
  Abdul pulled his ears - the Monkeys pulled their ears
  Abdul raised his hands - the Monkeys raised their hands
  Abdul threw his cap on the ground...
  Just then, one of the monkeys jumped down from the tree, grabbed the cap Abdul threw on the ground and walked up to Abdul, said: "Do you think ONLY YOU HAD A GRANDFATHER?"<注19>

  2. traverse:横过,穿过;have a nap:(尤指在白天)小睡,打盹。

  4. fast:(睡眠)沉的,熟的。
  5. refreshing:提神的,令人身心舒服的。
  6. Allah:安拉,真主(伊斯兰教信奉的惟一神的名称)。
  8. cute:聪明伶俐的,机敏的。
  12. frustrated:挫败的,泄气的;slam:使劲扔,砰地放下。
  13. Lo: (表示惊讶)看哪!瞧!
  14. family business:(祖传的)家业。
  15. to one\'s surprise:令某人吃惊地。
  17. fool:愚弄,欺骗。
  18. imitate:模仿。

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