撒母耳 Samuel
《旧约》中的先知。是继摩西之后第一位也是古代以色列士师中最后一位。有关撒母耳的资料见于圣经中〈撒母耳记〉上、下两书。这两本书叙述在西元前11~西元前10世纪以色列的历史。在这段期间,以色列第一个君主政体成立了,以色列的部族也都团结在该独立王国之下。建都耶路撒冷。撒母耳得到启示拥护扫罗就任国王,但不久宣布一神谕拒绝扫罗,并秘密为大卫涂油,立其为王。学者们均在争议是否历史上的撒母耳就是记载有他名字的那两本书的作者。 Old Testament prophet, the first after Moses and the last of the judges of ancient Israel. His story is told in two biblical books (1 and 2 Samuel) that relate the history of Israel in the 11th-10th century BC. During this period, the first monarchy of Israel was established and the tribes of Israel united under a single kingdom with its capital at Jerusalem. Samuel received a revelation that led to the installation of Saul as king, but later announced an oracle rejecting Saul and secretly anointed David as king. Scholars dispute whether the historical Samuel was the author of the two books that bear his name. 撒母耳是谁 撒母耳上 撒母耳 撒母耳下 撒母耳讲章 申命记 民数记 撒母耳的一生讲章 扫罗
《旧约》中的先知。是继摩西之后第一位也是古代以色列士师中最后一位。有关撒母耳的资料见于圣经中〈撒母耳记〉上、下两书。这两本书叙述在西元前11~西元前10世纪以色列的历史。在这段期间,以色列第一个君主政体成立了,以色列的部族也都团结在该独立王国之下。建都耶路撒冷。撒母耳得到启示拥护扫罗就任国王,但不久宣布一神谕拒绝扫罗,并秘密为大卫涂油,立其为王。学者们均在争议是否历史上的撒母耳就是记载有他名字的那两本书的作者。 Old Testament prophet, the first after Moses and the last of the judges of ancient Israel. His story is told in two biblical books (1 and 2 Samuel) that relate the history of Israel in the 11th-10th century BC. During this period, the first monarchy of Israel was established and the tribes of Israel united under a single kingdom with its capital at Jerusalem. Samuel received a revelation that led to the installation of Saul as king, but later announced an oracle rejecting Saul and secretly anointed David as king. Scholars dispute whether the historical Samuel was the author of the two books that bear his name. 撒母耳是谁 撒母耳上 撒母耳 撒母耳下 撒母耳讲章 申命记 民数记 撒母耳的一生讲章 扫罗