
英语阅读 2019-07-30 18:12:35 102

    There once was a famous professor, who always wrote the number 2 and 4 on the blackboard at the first course to his new students, and asked the students what is the answer.

     Every time when he asked this question, some of his students said 6 is the key while some others hold that 2 is more proper and some of them chose 8 as the answer, moreover, there were still others who were just sitting at their seats without a word.

    But at the time that the students were discussing the issues, the professor always sighed and said to the students “It is no use for you to debate because all of you did not focused the key point: what exactly the question is asked about? Do those two numbers were being to be added, subtracted or be acquired to do some other calculations? Without what the question is exactly about, how can you make a right respond”.

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