双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第二章 Part 4

英语阅读 2019-07-30 12:12:38 131

      Though he was soon satisfied that he had dismissed the idea as romantic and unlikely though possible, there was no denying he could not help pursuing it so far as to entertain within himself a picture of what his condition would be, if he should discover such an imposture when he was grown old. Whether a man so situated would be able to pluck away the result of so many years of usage, confidence, and belief, from the impostor, and endow a stranger with it? But it was idle speculating thus. It couldn\'t happen. In a moment afterwards he determined that it could, but that such women were constantly observed, and had no opportunity given them for the accomplishment of such a design, even when they were so wicked as to entertain it. In another moment, he was remembering how few such cases seemed to have ever happened. In another moment he was wondering whether they ever happened and were not found out.


      As his unusual emotion subsided, these misgivings gradually melted away, though so much of their shadow remained behind, that he was constant in his resolution to look closely after Richards himself, without appearing to do so. Being now in an easier frame of mind, he regarded the woman\'s station as rather an advantageous circumstance than otherwise, by placing, in itself, a broad distance between her and the child, and rendering their separation easy and natural. Thence he passed to the contemplation of the future glories of Dombey and Son, and dismissed the memory of his wife, for the time being, with a tributary sigh or two.


注释:impostor n. 骗子;冒充者
1. "The Impostor" is a slow, measured, beautifully crafted work.
2. He succeeded in his profession, but he always secretly considered himself an impostor.

      Meanwhile terms were ratified and agreed upon between Mrs Chick and Richards, with the assistance of Miss Tox; and Richards being with much ceremony invested with the Dombey baby, as if it were an Order, resigned her own, with many tears and kisses, to Jemima. Glasses of wine were then produced, to sustain the drooping spirits of the family; and Miss Tox, busying herself in dispensing \'tastes\' to the younger branches, bred them up to their father\'s business with such surprising expedition, that she made chokers of four of them in a quarter of a minute.


      \'You\'ll take a glass yourself, Sir, won\'t you?\' said Miss Tox, as Toodle appeared.
      \'Thankee, Mum,\' said Toodle, \'since you are suppressing.\'
      \'And you\'re very glad to leave your dear good wife in such a comfortable home, ain\'t you, Sir?\'said Miss Tox, nodding and winking at him stealthily.
      \'No, Mum,\' said Toodle. \'Here\'s wishing of her back agin.\'


      Polly cried more than ever at this. So Mrs Chick, who had her matronly apprehensions that this indulgence in grief might be prejudicial to the little Dombey (\'acid, indeed,\' she whispered Miss Tox), hastened to the rescue.
\'Your little child will thrive charmingly with your sister Jemima, Richards,\' said Mrs Chick; \'and you have only to make an effort  this is a world of effort, you know, Richards - to be very happy indeed. You have been already measured for your mourning, haven\'t you, Richards?\'


注释:apprehension: n. 理解;恐惧;逮捕;忧惧
1. Victory after apprehension and fear.
2. The matter is above my apprehension.

     "Ye - es, Ma\'am," sobbed Polly.
      \'And it\'ll fit beautifully. I know,\' said Mrs Chick, \'for the same young person has made me many dresses. The very best materials, too!\'
      \'Lor, you\'ll be so smart,\' said Miss Tox, \'that your husband won\'t know you; will you, Sir?\'
      \'I should know her,\' said Toodle, gruffly, \'anyhows and anywheres.\'
      Toodle was evidently not to be bought over.
      \'As to living, Richards, you know,\' pursued Mrs Chick, \'why, the very best of everything will be at your disposal. You will order your little dinner every day; and anything you take a fancy to, I\'m sure will be as readily provided as if you were a Lady.\'


      \'Yes to be sure!\' said Miss Tox, keeping up the ball with great sympathy. \'And as to porter! - quite unlimited, will it not, Louisa?\'
      \'Oh, certainly!\' returned Mrs Chick in the same tone. \'With a little abstinence, you know, my dear, in point of vegetables.\'
     \'And pickles, perhaps,\' suggested Miss Tox.
     \'With such exceptions,\' said Louisa, \'she\'ll consult her choice entirely, and be under no restraint at all, my love.\'
      \'And then, of course, you know,\' said Miss Tox, \'however fond she is of her own dear little child and I\'m sure, Louisa, you don\'t blame her for being fond of it?\'
      \'Oh no!\' cried Mrs Chick, benignantly.


      \'Still,\' resumed Miss Tox, \'she naturally must be interested in her young charge, and must consider it a privilege to see a little cherub connected with the superior classes, gradually unfolding itself from day to day at one common fountain is it not so, Louisa?\'
      \'Most undoubtedly!\' said Mrs Chick. \'You see, my love, she\'s already quite contented and comfortable, and means to say goodbye to her sister Jemima and her little pets, and her good honest husband, with a light heart and a smile; don\'t she, \'Oh yes!\' cried Miss Tox. \'To be sure she does!\' my dear?\'


注释:privilege: n. 特权;优待;基本权利  vt. 给与……特权;特免
1. Will the economic crisis force change, or entrench privilege?
2. Growing up in such a hothouse atmosphere, full of privilege and expectation, cannot be a relaxing experience.

      Not withstanding which, however, poor Polly embraced them all round in great distress, and coming to her spouse at last, could not make up her mind to part from him, until he gently disengaged himself, at the close of the following allegorical piece of consolation:\'Polly, old \'ooman, whatever you do, my darling, hold up your head and fight low. That\'s the only rule as I know on, that\'ll carry anyone through life. You always have held up your head and fought low, Polly. Do it now, or Bricks is no longer so. God bless you, Polly! Me and J\'mima will do your duty by you; and with relating to your\'n, hold up your head and fight low, Polly, and you can\'t go wrong!\'
Fortified by this golden secret, Folly finally ran away to avoid any more particular leave-taking between herself and the children. But the stratagem hardly succeeded as well as it deserved; for the smallest boy but one divining her intent, immediately began swarming upstairs after her if that word of doubtful etymology be admissible on his arms and legs; while the eldest (known in the family by the name of Biler, in remembrance of the steam engine) beat a demoniacal tattoo with his boots, expressive of grief; in which he was joined by the rest of the family.A quantity of oranges and halfpence thrust indiscriminately on each young Toodle, checked the first violence of their regret, and the family were speedily transported to their own home, by means of the hackney-coach kept in waiting for that purpose. The children, under the guardianship of Jemima, blocked up the window, and dropped out oranges and halfpence all the way along. Mr Toodle himself preferred to ride behind among the spikes, as being the mode of conveyance to which he was best accustomed.


注释:embrace: vt. 拥抱;信奉,皈依;包含 vi. 拥抱 n. 拥抱
1. However, not all people embrace the new plan.
2. To be a god, at least to be a creative one, one must relinquish control and embrace uncertainty.


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