双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第二章 Part 2

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      It then appeared that she had used the word, not in its legal or business acceptation, when it merely expresses an individual, but as a noun of multitude, or signifying many: for Miss Tox escorted a plump rosy-cheeked wholesome apple-faced young woman, with an infant in her arms; a younger woman not so plump, but apple-faced also, who led a plump and apple-faced child in each hand; another plump and also apple-faced boy who walked by himself; and finally, a plump and apple-faced man, who carried in his arms another plump and apple-faced boy, whom he stood down on the floor, and admonished, in a husky whisper, to \'kitch hold of his brother Johnny.\'


      \'My dear Louisa,\' said Miss Tox, \'knowing your great anxiety, and wishing to relieve it, I posted off myself to the Queen Charlotte\'s Royal Married Females,\' which you had forgot, and put the question, Was there anybody there that they thought would suit? No, they said there was not. When they gave me that answer, I do assure you, my dear, I was almost driven to despair on your account. But it did so happen, that one of the Royal Married Females, hearing the inquiry, reminded the matron of another who had gone to her own home, and who, she said, would in all likelihood be most satisfactory. The moment I heard this, and had it corroborated by the matron - excellent references and unimpeachable character  I got the address, my dear, and posted off again.\'


注释:remind ...of : 使某人想到;提醒某人……
1. You remind me of your father.
2. The music at a marriage procession always remind me of the music of soldier march to battle.

      \'Like the dear good Tox, you are!\' said Louisa.
      \'Not at all,\' returned Miss Tox. \'Don\'t say so. Arriving at the house (the cleanest place, my dear! You might eat your dinner off the floor), I found the whole family sitting at table; and feeling that no account of them could be half so comfortable to you and Mr Dombey as the sight of them all together, I brought them all away. This gentleman,\' said Miss Tox, pointing out the apple-faced man, \'is the father. Will you have the goodness to come a little forward, Sir?\'
The apple-faced man having sheepishly complied with this request, stood chuckling and grinning in a front row.
      \'This is his wife, of course,\' said Miss Tox, singling out the young woman with the baby. \'How do you do, Polly?\'
      \'I\'m pretty well, I thank you, Ma\'am,\' said Polly.
       By way of bringing her out dexterously, Miss Tox had made the inquiry as in condescension to an old acquaintance whom she hadn\'t seen for a fortnight or so.


      \'I\'m glad to hear it,\' said Miss Tox. \'The other young woman is her unmarried sister who lives with them, and would take care of her children. Her name\'s Jemima. How do you do, Jemima?\'
\'I\'m pretty well, I thank you, Ma\'am,\' returned Jemima.
\'I\'m very glad indeed to hear it,\' said Miss Tox. \'I hope you\'ll keep so. Five children. Youngest six weeks. The fine little boy with the blister on his nose is the eldest The blister, I believe,\' said Miss Tox, looking round upon the family, \'is not constitutional, but accidental?\'
The apple-faced man was understood to growl, \'Flat iron.
\'I beg your pardon, Sir,\' said Miss Tox, \'did you?
\'Flat iron,\' he repeated.
\'Oh yes,\' said Miss Tox. \'Yes! quite true. I forgot. The little creature, in his mother\'s absence, smelt a warm flat iron. You\'re quite right, Sir. You were going to have the goodness to inform me, when we arrived at the door that you were by trade a\'
\'Stoker,\' said the man.
\'A choker!\' said Miss Tox, quite aghast.
\'Stoker,\' said the man. \'Steam ingine.\'
\'Oh-h! Yes!\' returned Miss Tox, looking thoughtfully at him, and seeming still to have but a very imperfect understanding of his meaning.
\'And how do you like it, Sir?\'
\'Which, Mum?\' said the man.
\'That,\' replied Miss Tox. \'Your trade.\'
\'Oh! Pretty well, Mum. The ashes sometimes gets in here;\' touching his chest: \'and makes a man speak gruff, as at the present time. But it is ashes, Mum, not crustiness.\'


注释:take care of: 照顾;注意;抚养
1. Please take care of yourself.
2. Take care of our environment .

     Miss Tox seemed to be so little enlightened by this reply, as to find a difficulty in pursuing the subject. But Mrs Chick relieved her, by entering into a close private examination of Polly, her children, her marriage certificate, testimonials, and so forth. Polly coming out unscathed from this ordeal, Mrs Chick withdrew with her report to her brother\'s room, and as an emphatic comment on it, and corroboration of it, carried the two rosiest little Toodles with her. Toodle being the family name of the apple-faced family.


      Mr Dombey had remained in his own apartment since the death of his wife, absorbed in visions of the youth, education, and destination of his baby son. Something lay at the bottom of his cool heart, colder and heavier than its ordinary load; but it was more a sense of the child\'s loss than his own, awakening within him an almost angry sorrow. That the life and progress on which he built such hopes, should be endangered in the outset by so mean a want; that Dombey and Son should be tottering for a nurse, was a sore humiliation. And yet in his pride and jealousy, he viewed with so much bitterness the thought of being dependent for the very first step towards the accomplishment of his soul\'s desire, on a hired serving-woman who would be to the child, for the time, all that even his alliance could have made his own wife, that in every new rejection of a candidate he felt a secret pleasure. The time had now come, however, when he could no longer be divided between these two sets of feelings. The less so, as there seemed to be no flaw in the title of Polly Toodle after his sister had set it forth, with many commendations on the indefatigable friendship of Miss Tox.


注释:absorbed in: 全神贯注于……
1. Mary was absorbed in thought.
2. He was too absorbed in the newspaper to hear the bell.

      \'These children look healthy,\' said Mr Dombey. \'But my God, to think of their some day claiming a sort of relationship to Paul!\'
\' But what relationship is there!\' Louisa began
\'Is there!\' echoed Mr Dombey, who had not intended his sister to participate in the thought he had unconsciously expressed. \'Is there, did you say, Louisa!\'
\'Can there be, I mean... \'
\'Why none,\' said Mr Dombey, sternly. \'The whole world knows that, I presume. Grief has not made me idiotic, Louisa. Take them away, Louisa! Let me see this woman and her husband.\'
Mrs Chick bore off the tender pair of Toodles, and presently returned with that tougher couple whose presence her brother had commanded.
\'My good woman,\' said Mr Dombey, turning round in his easy chair, as one piece, and not as a man with limbs and joints, \'I understand you are poor, and wish to earn money by nursing the little boy, my son, who has been so prematurely deprived of what can never be replaced. I have no objection to your adding to the comforts of your family by that means. So far as I can tell, you seem to be a deserving object. But I must impose one or two conditions on you, before you enter my house in that capacity. While you are here, I must stipulate that you are always known as say as Richards an ordinary name, and convenient. Have you any objection to be known as Richards? You had better consult your husband.\'
\'Well?\' said Mr Dombey, after a pretty long pause. \'What does your husband say to your being called Richards?\'


注释:objection to: n. 反对;异议
1. I take objection to the plan.
2. Have you any objection to changing your working hours?

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