双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第四章 Part 4

英语阅读 2019-07-30 12:12:29 110

     Walter was going to speak, but his Uncle held up his hand.


      \'Therefore, Wally therefore it is that I am anxious you should be early in the busy world, and on the world\'s track. I am only the ghost of this business its substance vanished long ago; and when I die, its ghost will be laid. As it is clearly no inheritance for you then, I have thought it best to use for your advantage, almost the only fragment of the old connexion that stands by me, through long habit. Some people suppose me to be wealthy. I wish for your sake they were right. But whatever I leave behind me, or whatever I can give you, you in such a House as Dombey\'s are in the road to use well and make the most of. Be diligent, try to like it, my dear boy, work for a steady independence, and be happy!\'


      \'I\'ll do everything I can, Uncle, to deserve your affection. Indeed I will,\' said the boy, earnestly.


      \'I know it,\' said Solomon. \'I am sure of it,\' and he applied himself to a second glass of the old Madeira, with increased relish. \'As to the Sea,\' he pursued, \'that\'s well enough in fiction, Wally, but it won\'t do in fact: it won\'t do at all. It\'s natural enough that you should think about it, associating it with all these familiar things; but it won\'t do, it won\'t do.\'


注释:advantage n. 优势;利益;有利条件 vi. 获利 vt. 有利于;使处于优势
1. We support the open trading system which is to the ultimate advantage of all.
2. It will be to our mutual advantage to work closely.

      Solomon Gills rubbed his hands with an air of stealthy enjoyment, as he talked of the sea, though; and looked on the seafaring objects about him with inexpressible complacency.


      \'Think of this wine for instance,\' said old Sol, \'which has been to the East Indies and back, I\'m not able to say how often, and has been once round the world. Think of the pitch-dark nights, the roaring winds, and rolling seas:\'

      \'The thunder, lightning, rain, hail, storm of all kinds,\' said the boy.



      \'To be sure,\' said Solomon, \'that this wine has passed through. Think what a straining and creaking of timbers and masts: what a whistling and howling of the gale through ropes and rigging:\'


      \'What a clambering aloft of men, vying with each other who shall lie out first upon the yards to furl the icy sails, while the ship rolls and pitches, like mad!\' cried his nephew.


      \'Exactly so,\' said Solomon: \'has gone on, over the old cask that held this wine. Why, when the Charming Sally went down in the  \'

      \'In the Baltic Sea, in the dead of night; five-and-twenty minutes past twelve when the captain\'s watch stopped in his pocket; he lying dead against the main mast on the fourteenth of February, seventeen forty-nine!\' cried Walter, with great animation.


注释:complacency  n. 自满;满足;自鸣得意
1. He had an air of complacency.
2. The company has had a good year but we must guard against complacency.


     \'Ay, to be sure!\' cried old Sol, \'quite right! Then, there were five hundred casks of such wine aboard; and all hands (except the first mate, first lieutenant, two seamen, and a lady, in a leaky boat) going to work to stave the casks, got drunk and died drunk, singing "Rule Britannia", when she settled and went down, and ending with one awful scream in chorus.\'


      \'But when the George the Second drove ashore, Uncle, on the coast of Cornwall, in a dismal gale, two hours before daybreak, on the fourth of March, \'seventy-one, she had near two hundred horses aboard; and the horses breaking loose down below, early in the gale, and tearing to and fro, and trampling each other to death, made such noises, and set up such human cries, that the crew believing the ship to be full of devils, some of the best men, losing heart and head, went overboard in despair, and only two were left alive, at last, to tell the tale.\'


      \'And when,\' said old Sol, \'when the Polyphemus  \'

      \'Private West India Trader, burden three hundred and fifty tons, Captain, John Brown of Deptford. Owners, Wiggs and Co.,\' cried Walter.

      \'The same,\' said Sol; \'when she took fire, four days\' sail with a fair wind out of Jamaica Harbour, in the night \'




      \'There were two brothers on board,\' interposed his nephew, speaking very fast and loud, \'and there not being room for both of them in the only boat that wasn\'t swamped, neither of them would consent to go, until the elder took the younger by the waist, and flung him in. And then the younger, rising in the boat, cried out, "Dear Edward, think of your promised wife at home. I\'m only a boy. No one waits at home for me. Leap down into my place!" and flung himself in the sea!\'


注释:swamp  n. 沼泽;湿地 vt. 使陷于沼泽;使沉没;使陷入困境
vi. 下沉;陷入沼泽;陷入困境;不知所措
1. That ditch drains water from the swamp.
2. In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes.

     The kindling eye and heightened colour of the boy, who had risen from his seat in the earnestness of what he said and felt, seemed to remind old Sol of something he had forgotten, or that his encircling mist had hitherto shut out. Instead of proceeding with any more anecdotes, as he had evidently intended but a moment before, he gave a short dry cough, and said, \'Well! suppose we change the subject.\'


     The truth was, that the simple-minded Uncle in his secret attraction towards the marvellous and adventurous - of which he was, in some sort, a distant relation, by his trade - had greatly encouraged the same attraction in the nephew; and that everything that had ever been put before the boy to deter him from a life of adventure, had had the usual unaccountable effect of sharpening his taste for it. This is invariable. It would seem as if there never was a book written, or a story told, expressly with the object of keeping boys on shore, which did not lure and charm them to the ocean, as a matter of course.


      But an addition to the little party now made its appearance, in the shape of a gentleman in a wide suit of blue, with a hook instead of a hand attached to his right wrist; very bushy black eyebrows; and a thick stick in his left hand, covered all over (like his nose) with knobs. He wore a loose black silk handkerchief round his neck, and such a very large coarse shirt collar, that it looked like a small sail. He was evidently the person for whom the spare wine-glass was intended, and evidently knew it; for having taken off his rough outer coat, and hung up, on a particular peg behind the door, such a hard glazed hat as a sympathetic person\'s head might ache at the sight of, and which left a red rim round his own forehead as if he had been wearing a tight basin, he brought a chair to where the clean glass was, and sat himself down behind it. He was usually addressed as Captain, this visitor; and had been a pilot, or a skipper, or a privateersman, or all three perhaps; and was a very salt-looking man indeed.


注释:glaze  vt. 装以玻璃;上釉于  vi. 变呆滞;变得光滑  n. 釉;光滑面
1.  My eyes start to glaze over the moment he begins his long-winded speech. 
2.  A glaze of ice on the road is dangerous. 

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