双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第六章 Part 4

英语阅读 2019-07-30 12:12:26 81

Now, it happened that poor Biler\'s life had been, since yesterday morning, rendered weary by the costume of the Charitable Grinders. The youth of the streets could not endure it. No young vagabond could be brought to bear its contemplation for a moment, without throwing himself upon the unoffending wearer, and doing him a mischief. His social existence had been more like that of an early Christian, than an innocent child of the nineteenth century. He had been stoned in the streets. He had been overthrown into gutters; bespattered with mud; violently flattened against posts.Entire strangers to his person had lifted his yellow cap off his head, and cast it to the winds. His legs had not only undergone verbal criticisms and reviling, but had been handled and pinched. That very morning, he had received a perfectly unsolicited black eye on his way to the Grinders\' establishment, and had been punished for it by the master: a superannuated old Grinder of savage disposition, who had been appointed schoolmaster because he didn\'t know anything, and wasn\'t fit for anything, and for whose cruel cane all chubby little boys had a perfect fascination.\'
    Thus it fell out that Biler, on his way home, sought unfrequented paths; and slunk along by narrow passages and back streets, to avoid his tormentors. Being compelled to emerge into the main road, his ill fortune brought him at last where a small party of boys, headed by a ferocious young butcher, was lying in wait for any means of pleasurable excitement that might happen. These, finding a Charitable Grinder in the midst of them - unaccountably delivered over, as it were, into their hands - set up a general yell and rushed upon him.
    因此,结果是,拜勒回家时,寻找那些人迹罕至的小路,沿着狭窄的小巷和偏僻的背街,偷偷摸摸地行走,以免和那些折磨他的人相遇。由于最后不得不 出现在大路上,所以厄运终于又降临到他的头上。有一小群以一位残暴的年轻屠夫为首的男孩子正躺在那里等待着有什么可供他们开心取乐的事情发生。这些人看到一位慈善的磨工突然出现在他们中间——好像莫名其妙地送交到他们手中似的——就一齐大喊了一声,向他猛冲过去。
    But it so fell out likewise, that, at the same time, Polly, looking hopelessly along the road before her, after a good hour\'s walk, had said it was no use going any further, when suddenly she saw this sight. She no sooner saw it than, uttering a hasty exclamation, and giving Master Dombey to the black-eyed, she started to the rescue of her unhappy little son.
    Surprises, like misfortunes, rarely come alone. The astonished Susan Nipper and her two young charges were rescued by the bystanders from under the very wheels of a passing carriage before they knew what had happened; and at that moment (it was market day) a thundering alarm of \'Mad Bull!\' was raised. With a wild confusion before her, of people running up and down, and shouting, and wheels running over them, and boys fighting, and mad bulls coming up, and the nurse in the midst of all these dangers being torn to pieces, Florence screamed and ran. She ran till she was exhausted, urging Susan to do the same; and then, stopping and wringing her hands as she remembered they had left the other nurse behind, found, with a sensation of terror not to be described, that she was quite alone.
    意外的事情就像不幸的事情一样,很少是单独降临的。吃惊的苏珊•尼珀和她两个年幼的被抚养的孩子在还 没有明白发生了什么事情之前,被旁观的人们从一辆驶过的四轮马车轮子下面抢救了出来;就在这个时刻(那天是个集市日),传来了雷鸣般的警报声:“疯牛来了!”弗洛伦斯只见眼前人们 来来往往地奔跑,呼喊,车轮正从他们身上驶过;男孩子们在打架;疯牛跑过来了;保姆在这些危险中被撕得粉碎;她在这一片极大的混乱中,一边尖声喊叫,一边向前奔跑。她一边跑,一边催促苏珊跟她一起跑,一直跑到筋疲力尽为止;当她记起她们还把另一位保姆抛在后面的时候,她就停下来,双手使劲地绞扭,这时,她怀着无法形容的恐怖感觉, 发现她只是单独一人。
    \'Susan! Susan!\' cried Florence, clapping her hands in the very ecstasy of her alarm. \'Oh, where are they? Where are they?\'
     \'Where are they?\' said an old woman, coming hobbling across as fast as she could from the opposite side of the way. \'Why did you run away from \'em?\'
    \'I was frightened,\' answered Florence. \'I didn\'t know what I did. I thought they were with me. Where are they?\'
    The old woman took her by the wrist, and said, \'I\'ll show you.\'

董贝父子 董贝父子伊迪斯和卡克尔 狄更斯董贝父子 董贝父子中文 董贝父子的主要内容 董贝父子中董贝的形象 董贝父子感悟 董贝父子的写作背景 董贝父子翻译


