双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第六章 Part 2

英语阅读 2019-07-30 12:12:20 238

\'Why, Polly!\' cried Jemima. \'You! what a turn you have given me! who\'d have thought it! come along in Polly! How well you do look to be sure! The children will go half wild to see you Polly that they will.\'


That they did, if one might judge from the noise they made, and the way in which they dashed at Polly and dragged her to a low chair in the chimney corner, where her own honest apple face became immediately the centre of a bunch of smaller pippins, all laying their rosy cheeks close to it, and all evidently the growth of the same tree. As to Polly, she was full as noisy and vehement as the children; and it was not until she was quite out of breath, and her hair was hanging all about her flushed face, and her new christening attire was very much dishevelled, that any pause took place in the confusion. Even then, the smallest Toodle but one remained in her lap, holding on tight with both arms round her neck; while the smallest Toodle but two mounted on the back of the chair, and made desperate efforts, with one leg in the air, to kiss her round the corner.


\'Look! there\'s a pretty little lady come to see you,\' said Polly; \'and see how quiet she is! what a beautiful little lady, ain\'t she?\'


注释: round the corner  在拐角处;即将来临;在附近
1.  The car nosed carefully round the corner.
2. The thief whip round the corner and out of sight.

      This reference to Florence, who had been standing by the door not unobservant of what passed, directed the attention of the younger branches towards her; and had likewise the happy effect of leading to the formal recognition of Miss Nipper, who was not quite free from a misgiving that she had been already slighted.


\'Oh do come in and sit down a minute, Susan, please,\' said Polly. \'This is my sister Jemima, this is. Jemima, I don\'t know what I should ever do with myself, if it wasn\'t for Susan Nipper; I shouldn\'t be here now but for her.\'


\'Oh do sit down, Miss Nipper, if you please,\' quota Jemima.


Susan took the extreme corner of a chair, with a stately and ceremonious aspect.


\'I never was so glad to see anybody in all my life; now really I never was, Miss Nipper,\' said Jemima.


Susan relaxing, took a little more of the chair, and smiled graciously.


注释:gracious adj. 亲切的;高尚的;和蔼的;雅致的
int. 天哪;哎呀

1. All this gracious living is not for me; I prefer the simple life.
这种优裕的生活对我不合适; 我还是喜欢简朴的生活。
2. In beauty, that of favor, is more than that of color; and that of decent and gracious motion, more than that of favor. 仔细分析起来,形体之美要胜于颜色之美,而优雅行为之美又胜于形体之美。

\'Do untie your bonnet-strings, and make yourself at home, Miss Nipper, please,\' entreated Jemima. \'I am afraid it\'s a poorer place than you\'re used to; but you\'ll make allowances, I\'m sure.\'


The black-eyed was so softened by this deferential behavior, that she caught up little Miss Toodle who was running past, and took her to Banbury Cross immediately.



\'But where\'s my pretty boy?\' said Polly. \'My poor fellow? I came all this way to see him in his new clothes.\'


\'Ah what a pity!\' cried Jemima. \'He\'ll break his heart, when he hears his mother has been here. He\'s at school, Polly.\'


\'Gone already!\'


\'Yes. He went for the first time yesterday, for fear he should lose any learning. But it\'s half-holiday, Polly: if you could only stop till he comes home - you and Miss Nipper, leastways,\' said Jemima, mindful in good time of the dignity of the black-eyed.\' And how does he look, Jemima, bless him!\' faltered Polly.


\'Well, really he don\'t look so bad as you\'d suppose,\' returned Jemima.


注释:deferential adj. 恭敬的;惯于顺从的

1. I am deferential and respectful in the presence of artists.
2. She is deferential to her superiors.

\'Ah!\' said Polly, with emotion, \'I knew his legs must be too short.\'


His legs is short,\' returned Jemima; \'especially behind; but they\'ll get longer, Polly, every day.\'


It was a slow, prospective kind of consolation; but the cheerfulness and good nature with which it was administered, gave it a value it did not intrinsically possess. After a moment\'s silence, Polly asked, in a more sprightly manner:


\'And where\'s Father, Jemima dear?\' - for by that patriarchal appellation, Mr Toodle was generally known in the family.


\'There again!\' said Jemima. \'What a pity! Father took his dinner with him this morning, and isn\'t coming home till night.But he\'s always talking of you, Polly, and telling the children about you; and is the peaceablest, patientest, best-temperedest soul in the world, as he always was and will be!\'


\'Thankee, Jemima,\' cried the simple Polly; delighted by the speech, and disappointed by the absence.


\'Oh you needn\'t thank me, Polly,\' said her sister, giving her a sounding kiss upon the cheek, and then dancing little Paul cheerfully. \'I say the same of you sometimes, and think it too.\'


注释: prospective adj. 未来的;预期的 n. 预期;展望
prospective study 前瞻研究;预期研究;远景调查
prospective market 未来的市场
prospective customer 潜在顾客
prospective buyer 准买家
prospective student 未来学生;欲申请的学生
prospective earnings 预期收益
prospective oil 石油储量
1. The company has dowered the prospective bride. 
2.  "I\'ve got a prospective backer." 

董贝父子 董贝父子伊迪斯和卡克尔 狄更斯董贝父子 董贝父子中文 董贝父子的主要内容 董贝父子中董贝的形象 董贝父子感悟 董贝父子的写作背景 董贝父子翻译


