双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第六章 Part 11

英语阅读 2019-07-30 06:12:23 79

As they stood deliberating in the street, a man passed them, who glanced quickly at Walter as he went by, as if he recognised him; but seeming to correct that first impression, he passed on without stopping.
    \'Why, I think it\'s Mr Carker,\' said Walter. \'Carker in our House. Not Carker our Manager, Miss Dombey - the other Carker; the Junior - Halloa! Mr Carker!\'
    \'Is that Walter Gay?\' said the other, stopping and returning. \'I couldn\'t believe it, with such a strange companion.
    As he stood near a lamp, listening with surprise to Walter\'s hurried explanation, he presented a remarkable contrast to the two youthful figures arm-in-arm before him. He was not old, but his hair was white; his body was bent, or bowed as if by the weight of some great trouble: and there were deep lines in his worn and melancholy face. The fire of his eyes, the expression of his features, the very voice in which he spoke, were all subdued and quenched, as if the spirit within him lay in ashes. He was respectably, though very plainly dressed, in black; but his clothes, moulded to the general character of his figure, seemed to shrink and abase themselves upon him, and to join in the sorrowful solicitation which the whole man from head to foot expressed, to be left unnoticed, and alone in his humility.
    当他站在街灯旁边,惊奇地听着沃尔特匆匆的解释时,他与他面前这两位手挽手的富于朝气的年轻人形成了鲜明的对照。他并不老,但是头发已经白了;仿佛由于承受着某种沉重的痛苦的负担,他已经曲背弯腰,在他疲惫与忧郁的脸上已经刻上了深深的皱纹。他眼睛中的光泽,脸部的表情,甚至说话的声音全都消沉、衰弱,毫无生气,仿佛他体内的精神已经化为灰烬了。他穿着一身黑色的服装,虽然很简朴,但也还体面;不过他的衣服跟他整个性格相配,穿在身上好像都收缩变小、自贬身价似的,又好像跟他整个人一起,从头到脚都表露 出忧伤的哀求:让他在蒙羞受辱的状态中默默无闻,孤独一人吧。
    And yet his interest in youth and hopefulness was not extinguished with the other embers of his soul, for he watched the boy\'s earnest countenance as he spoke with unusual sympathy, though with an inexplicable show of trouble and compassion, which escaped into his looks, however hard he strove to hold it prisoner. When Walter, in conclusion, put to him the question he had put to Florence, he still stood glancing at him with the same expression, as if he had read some fate upon his face, mournfully at variance with its present brightness.
    可是他对青年及希望的兴趣并没有随同他灵魂中其他的余烬一起熄灭,因为当沃尔特说话时,他怀着不寻常的同情注视着他那诚挚的脸,虽然在他的神色之间同时也流露出难以说明的忧虑与怜悯(尽管他竭力掩盖)。当沃尔特最后 把向弗洛伦斯提出的问题向他提出的时候,他仍站在那里用同样的表情看着他,仿佛他已在他的脸上令人伤心地读到了与它现在所呈现的活泼快乐的神情截然相反的命运。
    \'What do you advise, Mr Carker?\' said Walter, smiling. \'You always give me good advice, you know, when you do speak to me. That\'s not often, though.\'
    “您看怎么好,卡克先生?”沃尔特微笑着说道。“虽然您并不常跟我谈话,但是当您跟我谈话时,您知道,您常常 给我提出一些好的意见。”
    \'I think your own idea is the best,\' he answered: looking from Florence to Walter, and back again.
    \'Mr Carker,\' said Walter, brightening with a generous thought, \'Come! Here\'s a chance for you. Go you to Mr Dombey\'s, and be the messenger of good news. It may do you some good, Sir. I\'ll remain at home. You shall go.\'
    \'I!\' returned the other.
    \'Yes. Why not, Mr Carker?\' said the boy.
    He merely shook him by the hand in answer; he seemed in a manner ashamed and afraid even to do that; and bidding him good-night, and advising him to make haste, turned away.
    \'Come, Miss Dombey,\' said Walter, looking after him as they turned away also, \'we\'ll go to my Uncle\'s as quick as we can. Did you ever hear Mr Dombey speak of Mr Carker the Junior, Miss Florence?\'
    \'No,\' returned the child, mildly, \'I don\'t often hear Papa speak.\'

董贝父子 董贝父子伊迪斯和卡克尔 狄更斯董贝父子 董贝父子中文 董贝父子的主要内容 董贝父子中董贝的形象 董贝父子感悟 董贝父子的写作背景 董贝父子翻译


