英文名著精讲:The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(7)

英语阅读 2019-07-30 06:12:22 72



      Lore has it my father once wrestled a black bear in Baluchistan with his bare hands. If the story had been about anyone else, it would have been dismissed as "laaf", that Afghan tendency to exaggerate--sadly, almost a national affliction; if someone bragged that his son was a doctor, chances were the kid had once passed a biology test in high school. But no one ever doubted the veracity of any story about Baba. And if they did, well, Baba did have those three parallel scars coursing a jagged path down his back. I have imagined Baba\'s wrestling match countless times, even dreamed about it. And in those dreams, I can never tell Baba from the bear.

      It was Rahim Khan who first referred to him as what eventually became Baba\'s famous nickname, "Toophan agha", or "Mr. Hurricane."It was an apt enough nickname. My father was a force of nature, a towering Pashtun specimen with a thick beard, a wayward crop of curly brown hair as unruly as the man himself, hands that looked capable of uprooting a willow tree, and a black glare that would "drop the devil to his knees begging for mercy,?as Rahim Khan used to say. At parties, when all six-foot-five of him thundered into the room, attention shifted to him like sunflowers turning to the sun.

      Baba was impossible to ignore, even in his sleep. I used to bury cotton wisps in my ears, pull the blanket over my head, and still the sounds of Baba\'s snoring—so much like a growling truck engine—penetrated the walls. And my room was across the hall from Baba\'s bedroom. How my mother ever managed to sleep in the same room as him is a mystery to me. It\'s on the long list of things I would have asked my mother if I had ever met her.

      In the late 1960s, when I was five or six, Baba decided to build an orphanage. I heard the story through Rahim Khan. He told me Baba had drawn the blueprints himself despite the fact that he\'d had no architectural experience at all. Skeptics had urged him to stop his foolishness and hire an architect. Of course, Baba refused, and everyone shook their heads in dismay at his obstinate ways. Then Baba succeeded and everyone shook their heads in awe at his triumphant ways. Baba paid for the construction of the two-story orphanage, just off the main strip of Jadeh Maywand south of the Kabul River, with his own money. Rahim Khan told me Baba had personally funded the entire project, paying for the engineers, electricians, plumbers, and laborers, not to mention the city officials whose "mustaches needed oiling."


wrestle v. 摔跤
He wrestled his opponent to the floor/ground.
He taught his little brother how to wrestle.

with bare hands 赤手空拳
If he says that again I\'ll kill him with my bare hands!

affliction n. 痛苦,痛苦的原因
I have great sympathy for people in affliction.
Malnutrition is one of the common afflictions of the poor.

brag v. 吹牛, 自夸
He used to brag that he would make lots of money.

veracity n. 真实性
I don\'t doubt the veracity of your report.
The chairman disallowed the veracity of his report.

uproot v. 连根拔起
Whthin seconds a tornado can uproot trees.
The trunk of an elephant is powerful enough to uproot trees.

growl v. 咆哮
We heard the thunder growling in the distance.

despite prep.  尽管
Despite old age, she is still learning to drive.
Despite all our efforts we still lost the game.

urge v. 极力主张,力劝
They urged on us the need for cooperation.
I strongly urge you to give up smoking.

obstinate adj. 固执的
The obstinate child refused to answer.
Because their hearts had turned hard, stubborn and obstinate.

triumphant adj. 得意扬扬的
Albert was triumphant in his harlequin costume.
There was a positively triumphant note in her voice.




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