双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第六章 Part 6

英语阅读 2019-07-30 06:12:15 99

\'I\'m not a going to keep you, even, above an hour,\' said Mrs. Brown. \'D\'ye understand what I say?\'
    The child answered with great difficulty, \'Yes.\'
    \'Then,\' said Good Mrs. Brown, taking her own seat on the bones, \'don\'t vex me. If you don\'t, I tell you I won\'t hurt you. But if you do, I\'ll kill you. I could have you killed at any time - even if you was in your own bed at home. Now let\'s know who you are, and what you are, and all about it.\'
    “那么,”善良的布朗太太在骨头上坐下 来,说道,“别惹我恼火。如果您不惹我恼火,那么我告诉您,我是不会伤害您的。但是如果您惹我恼火了,那么我就杀死您。我什么时候都能杀死您——即使您待在您自己家里的床上我也能。现在您告诉我,您是谁,您是什么样的人以及有关您的一切。”
    The old woman\'s threats and promises; the dread of giving her offence; and the habit, unusual to a child, but almost natural to Florence now, of being quiet, and repressing what she felt, and feared, and hoped; enabled her to do this bidding, and to tell her little history, or what she knew of it. Mrs. Brown listened attentively, until she had finished.
    \'So your name\'s Dombey, eh?\' said Mrs. Brown.
    \'I want that pretty frock, Miss Dombey,\' said Good Mrs. Brown, \'and that little bonnet, and a petticoat or two, and anything else you can spare. Come! Take \'em off.\'
    Florence obeyed, as fast as her trembling hands would allow; keeping, all the while, a frightened eye on Mrs. Brown. When she had divested herself of all the articles of apparel mentioned by that lady, Mrs. B. examined them at leisure, and seemed tolerably well satisfied with their quality and value.
    \'Humph!\' she said, running her eyes over the child\'s slight figure, \'I don\'t see anything else - except the shoes. I must have the shoes, Miss Dombey.\'
    Poor little Florence took them off with equal alacrity, only too glad to have any more means of conciliation about her. The old woman then produced some wretched substitutes from the bottom of the heap of rags, which she turned up for that purpose; together with a girl\'s cloak, quite worn out and very old; and the crushed remains of a bonnet that had probably been picked up from some ditch or dunghill. In this dainty raiment, she instructed Florence to dress herself; and as such preparation seemed a prelude to her release, the child complied with increased readiness, if possible.

董贝父子 董贝父子伊迪斯和卡克尔 狄更斯董贝父子 董贝父子中文 董贝父子的主要内容 董贝父子中董贝的形象 董贝父子感悟 董贝父子的写作背景 董贝父子翻译


