《美食祈祷和恋爱》Chapter 8 (15):赖爷的寓言

英语阅读 2019-07-30 06:12:06 61

Then he asked if he could read my palm. I gave him my left hand and he proceeded to put me together like a three-piece puzzle.


"You\'re a world traveler," he began.


Which I thought was maybe a little obvious, given that I was in Indonesia at the moment, but I didn’t force the point . . .


"You have more good luck than anyone I\'ve ever met. You will live a long time, have many friends, many experiences. You will see the whole world. You only have one problem in your life. You worry too much. Always you get too emotional, too nervous. If I promise you that you will never have any reason in your life to ever worry about anything, will you believe me?"


Nervously I nodded, not believing him.


"For work, you do something creative, maybe like an artist, and you get paid good money for it. Always you will get paid good money for this thing you do. You are generous with money, maybe too generous. Also one problem. You will lose all your money once in your life. I think maybe it will happen soon."

“工作上,你是搞创作的,类似艺术家,工作让你赚不少钱。你的工作永远让你挣不少钱。你对钱很大方,或许太过大方。另一个问题是,你这一生当中,有一次会失去所有的钱。我想可能再过不 久就要发生。”

"I think maybe it will happen in the next six to ten months," I said, thinking about my divorce.

“我想可能未来六到十个月内会发生。”我说,心里想的是离婚 。

Ketut nodded as if to say, Yeah, that sounds about right. "But don\'t worry," he said. "After you lose all your money, you will get it all right back again. Right away you\'ll be fine. You will have two marriages in your life. One short, one long. And you will have two children . . ."

赖爷点点头,仿佛在说:“没错,八九不离十。” “但用不着担心。”他说,“损失所有的钱财后,你会再拿回来。你立刻就会很好的。你这辈子会有两次婚姻。一短,一长。你会有两个孩子……”

I waited for him to say, "one short, one long," but he was suddenly silent, frowning at my palm. Then he said, "Strange . . . ," which is something you never want to hear from either your palm-reader or your dentist. He asked me to move directly under the hanging lightbulb so he could take a better look.

我等他说“一矮,一高 ”,但他突然沉默下来,看着我的手掌皱起眉头。然后他说:“怪了……”你可不想听你的手相师或牙医师这么说。他要我移到悬挂的灯泡底下,让他看个仔细 。

"I am wrong," he announced. "You will only have only one child. Late in life, a daughter. Maybe. If you decide . . . but there is something else." He frowned, then looked up, suddenly absolutely confident: "Someday soon you will come back here to Bali. You must. You will stay here in Bali for three, maybe four months. You will be my friend. Maybe you will live here with my family. I can practice English with you. I never had anybody to practice English with. I think you are good with words. I think this creative work you do is something about words, yes?"

“我错了,”他说道,“你只会有一个孩子。晚年的时候,是女儿。或许吧。假如你决定……还有另一件事。”他皱着眉,然后抬起头 ,突然非常肯定地说“不久之后,你会回到巴厘岛这儿。你不得不。 你在这里会待上三四个月,成为我的朋友。或许你会跟我的家人住在这里。我能跟你学英语。我从没跟任何人练习过英语。我想你很擅长文字。我想你的创意工作和文字有关,是吗? ”

"Yes!" I said. "I\'m a writer. I’m a book writer!"

“是的 !”我说,“我是作家。我写书 !”

"You are a book writer from New York," he said, in agreement, in confirmation. "So you will come back here to Bali and live here and teach me English. And I will teach you everything I know."


Then he stood up and brushed off his hands, like: That\'s settled.


I said, "If you\'re serious, mister, I\'m serious."


He beamed at me toothlessly and said, "See you later, alligator."

Eat, Pray, Love


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