双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第7章 Part 5

英语阅读 2019-07-30 00:13:17 166

\'His mother, my dear,\' said Miss Tox, \'whose acquaintance I was to have made through you, does he at all resemble her?\'
    \'Not at all,\' returned Louisa.
    \'She was - she was pretty, I believe?\' faltered Miss Tox.
    \'Why, poor dear Fanny was interesting,\' said Mrs Chick, after some judicial consideration.     \'Certainly interesting. She had not that air of commanding superiority which one would somehow expect, almost as a matter of course, to find in my brother\'s wife; nor had she that strength and vigour of mind which such a man requires.\'
    Miss Tox heaved a deep sigh.
    \'But she was pleasing:\' said Mrs Chick: \'extremely so. And she meant! - oh, dear, how well poor Fanny meant!\'
    \'You Angel!\' cried Miss Tox to little Paul. \'You Picture of your own Papa!\'
    If the Major could have known how many hopes and ventures, what a multitude of plans and speculations, rested on that baby head; and could have seen them hovering, in all their heterogeneous confusion and disorder, round the puckered cap of the unconscious little Paul; he might have stared indeed. Then would he have recognised, among the crowd, some few ambitious motes and beams belonging to Miss Tox; then would he perhaps have understood the nature of that lady\'s faltering investment in the Dombey Firm.
    If the child himself could have awakened in the night, and seen, gathered about his cradle-curtains, faint reflections of the dreams that other people had of him, they might have scared him, with good reason. But he slumbered on, alike unconscious of the kind intentions of Miss Tox, the wonder of the Major, the early sorrows of his sister, and the stern visions of his father; and innocent that any spot of earth contained a Dombey or a Son.

注释:1. superiority n. 优越,优势;优越性
air superiority 空中优势;空优战斗机;空优
superiority complex 优越感;自尊情结;过于自尊
overwhelming superiority 绝对优势
(1). They won the battle because of their superiority in numbers.
(2). Information means superiority, and knowledge leads to progress.
(3). The resources are the superiority for the development of west China.
(4). The moral superiority of the west was also expressed through its ideology.
(5). America\'s material superiority could operate only in a more limited time span.
(6). Friendships last when each friend thinks he has a slight superiority over the other.

2. speculation n. 投机;推测;思索;投机买卖
speculation about n. 关于……  猜测
(1). She lose all her money in stock exchange speculation.
(2). They have much speculation over the cause of the air crash.
(3). Speculation has reached such a pitch that a decision will have to be made immediately.
(4). By reducing the cost of speculation, they encourage bubbles.
(5). Human exposure to various chemicals has been the subject of much speculation. 

董贝父子 董贝父子伊迪斯和卡克尔 狄更斯董贝父子 董贝父子中文 董贝父子的主要内容 董贝父子中董贝的形象 董贝父子感悟 董贝父子的写作背景 董贝父子翻译


