双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第7章 Part 4

英语阅读 2019-07-30 00:13:10 98

It was on the very next day after he had eased his mind by arriving at this decision, that the Major, sitting at his breakfast, saw an apparition so tremendous and wonderful in Miss Tox\'s little drawing-room, that he remained for some time rooted to his chair; then, rushing into the next room, returned with a double-barrelled opera-glass, through which he surveyed it intently for some minutes.
    少校作出这个判断,安下心来以后的第二天,正坐着吃早餐时,看到托克斯小姐的小客厅里出现了一个鬼怪,他是那么惊人,那么奇异,因此他坐在椅子里一直坐了好一会儿,然后才急忙跑到旁边的房间,拿了一个双筒的看戏用的小望远镜回来;他通过望远镜专心致志地察 看了好几分钟。
    \'It\'s a Baby, Sir,\' said the Major, shutting up the glass again, \'for fifty thousand pounds!\'
    The Major couldn\'t forget it. He could do nothing but whistle, and stare to that extent, that his eyes, compared with what they now became, had been in former times quite cavernous and sunken. Day after day, two, three, four times a week, this Baby reappeared. The Major continued to stare and whistle. To all other intents and purposes he was alone in Princess\'s Place. Miss Tox had ceased to mind what he did. He might have been black as well as blue, and it would have been of no consequence to her.
    少校不能忘记这件事情。他除了吹口哨和 把眼睛瞪得鼓鼓的之外,什么也干不了;如果跟他现在的眼睛相比,他以前的眼睛就显得相当凹陷和低洼了。一天又一天,这个婴孩在一个星期之内重新出现了两次、三次、四次。少校继续瞪眼睛和吹口哨。不论从哪一点来看,他在公主广场上已是孤身一人了。托克斯小姐已不再关心他做什么了。如果他的脸色从青色转变为黑色,那对她也是一件无关紧要的事情。
    The perseverance with which she walked out of Princess\'s Place to fetch this baby and its nurse, and walked back with them, and walked home with them again, and continually mounted guard over them; and the perseverance with which she nursed it herself, and fed it, and played with it, and froze its young blood with airs upon the harpsichord, was extraordinary. At about this same period too, she was seized with a passion for looking at a certain bracelet; also with a passion for looking at the moon, of which she would take long observations from her chamber window. But whatever she looked at; sun, moon, stars, or bracelet; she looked no more at the Major. And the Major whistled, and stared, and wondered, and dodged about his room, and could make nothing of it.
    \'You\'ll quite win my brother Paul\'s heart, and that\'s the truth, my dear,\' said Mrs Chick, one day.
    Miss Tox turned pale.
    \'He grows more like Paul every day,\' said Mrs Chick.
    Miss Tox returned no other reply than by taking the little Paul in her arms, and making his cockade perfectly flat and limp with her caresses.

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