双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第六章 Part 15

英语阅读 2019-07-30 00:13:09 104

\'I\'ll never forget you,\' pursued Florence. \'No! indeed I never will. Good-bye, Walter!\' In the innocence of her grateful heart, the child lifted up her face to his. Walter, bending down his own, raised it again, all red and burning; and looked at Uncle Sol, quite sheepishly.
“我永远也不会忘记您,”弗洛伦斯继续说道。“是的,我确实永远也不会忘记您。再见,沃尔特!” 女孩子怀着天真的感激的心情向他仰起面孔。沃尔特低下脸,然后又抬起来,满脸涨得通红,火辣辣地发烧,一边害羞地看着所尔舅舅。
\'Where\'s Walter?\' \'Good-night, Walter!\' \'Good-bye, Walter!\' \'Shake hands once more, Walter!\' This was still Florence\'s cry, after she was shut up with her little maid, in the coach. And when the coach at length moved off, Walter on the door-step gaily turned the waving of her handkerchief, while the wooden Midshipman behind him seemed, like himself,intent upon that coach alone, excluding all the other passing coaches from his observation.
In good time Mr Dombey\'s mansion was gained again, and again there was a noise of tongues in the library. Again, too, the coach was ordered to wait - \'for Mrs Richards,\' one of Susan\'s fellow-servants ominously whispered, as she passed with Florence.
The entrance of the lost child made a slight sensation, but not much. Mr Dombey, who had never found her, kissed heronce upon the forehead, and cautioned her not to run away again, or wander anywhere with treacherous attendants. Mrs Chick stopped in her lamentations on the corruption of human nature, even when beckoned to the paths of virtue by a Charitable Grinder; and received her with a welcome something short of the reception due to none but perfect Dombeys. Miss Tox regulated her feelings by the models before her. Richards, the culprit Richards, alone poured out her heart in broken words of welcome, and bowed herself over the little wandering head as if she really loved it.
丢失了的女孩子进 来时引起了一点哄动,不过并不大。过去从来不曾找过她的董贝先生在她额上吻了一次,告诫她今后再也不要跟不忠的仆人们离家出走或到什么地方去游逛了。奇克夫人本在悲叹人性败坏,甚至在被慈善的磨工召唤到品德高尚的道路上去的时候也未能挽救过来,这时她停下来,以比接待一位真正的董贝家里的人稍逊一筹的欢迎礼节接待了弗洛伦斯。托克斯小姐按照她面前的两个典范调节了一下自己的感情。只有理查兹,罪人理查兹一个人以断断续续、互不连贯的话语,倾吐了自己表示欢迎的衷情,并向那位迷失了道路的小女孩弯 下身去,仿佛她真正地爱她。
\'Ah, Richards!\' said Mrs Chick, with a sigh. \'It would have been much more satisfactory to those who wish to think well of their fellow creatures, and much more becoming in you, if you had shown some proper feeling, in time, for the little child that is now going to be prematurely deprived of its natural nourishment.
\'Cut off,\' said Miss Tox, in a plaintive whisper, \'from one common fountain!\'
\'If it was ungrateful case,\' said Mrs Chick, solemnly, \'and I had your reflections, Richards, I should feel as if the Charitable Grinders\' dress would blight my child, and the education choke him.\'
“如果是我处在忘恩负义的地位的话,”奇克夫人一本正经地说道,“如果我能代替您发表感 想的话,那么,理查兹,我就会觉得,仿佛慈善的磨工的 制服会摧残我的孩子,他所受的教育会使他窒息的。”
For the matter of that - but Mrs Chick didn\'t know it - he had been pretty well blighted by the dress already; and as to the education, even its retributive effect might be produced in time, for it was a storm of sobs and blows.
就这件事情本身来说,实际上——不过奇克夫人不知道就是了——他几乎已经被那件 制服摧残了;至于他所受的教育,那么它的报应也可以 说是来得很及时,因为那是暴风雨般的殴打与接连不断的哭泣。

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