《美食祈祷和恋爱》Chapter 13 (24):我不是天生的行者

英语阅读 2019-07-30 00:13:08 55

Truthfully, I\'m not the best traveler in the world.


I know this because I\'ve traveled a lot and I\'ve met people who are great at it. Real naturals. I\'ve met travelers who are so physically sturdy they could drink a shoebox of water from a Calcutta gutter and never get sick. People who can pick up new languages where others of us might only pick up infectious diseases. People who know how to stand down a threatening border guard or cajole an uncooperative bureaucrat at the visa office. People who are the right height and complexion that they kind of look halfway normal wherever they go—in Turkey they just might be Turks, in Mexico they are suddenly Mexican, in Spain they could be mistaken for a Basque, in Northern Africa they can sometimes pass for Arab . . .


I don\'t have these qualities. First off, I don\'t blend. Tall and blond and pink-complexioned, I am less a chameleon than a flamingo. Everywhere I go but Dusseldorf, I stand out garishly. When I was in China, women used to come up to me on the street and point me out to their children as though I were some escaped zoo animal. And their children—who had never seen anything quite like this pink-faced yellow-headed phantom person—would often burst into tears at the sight of me. I really hated that about China.


I\'m bad (or, rather, lazy) at researching a place before I travel, tending just to show up and see what happens. When you travel this way, what typically "happens" is that you end up spending a lot of time standing in the middle of the train station feeling confused, or dropping way too much money on hotels because you don\'t know better. My shaky sense of direction and geography means I have explored six continents in my life with only the vaguest idea of where I am at any given time. Aside from my cockeyed internal compass, I also have a shortage of personal coolness, which can be a liability in travel. I have never learned how to arrange my face into that blank expression of competent invisibility that is so useful when traveling in dangerous, foreign places. You know—that super-relaxed, totally-in-charge expression which makes you look like you belong there, anywhere, everywhere, even in the middle of a riot in Jakarta. Oh, no. When I don\'t know what I\'m doing, I look like I don\'t know what I\'m doing. When I\'m excited or nervous, I look excited or nervous. And when I am lost, which is frequently, I look lost. My face is a transparent transmitter of my every thought. As David once put it, "You have the opposite of poker face. You have, like . . . miniature golf face."

我不擅长(或者说懒得)在旅行前研究目的地,往往是人到了当地后,再看发生什么。这种旅行方式经常“发生”的是,你花很多时间站在火车站内不知所措,或者花太多钱住旅馆,因为你没概念。我这种不可靠的方向感和地理概念意味着,一生虽去过五大洲,却在任何时刻对于自己身处何处一无所知。除了歪斜的内在罗盘之外,我还缺乏沉着冷静,这对旅行可能是一大不利。我从没学会如何把自己的脸调整为视而不见的面无表情,这在危险的异地旅行时十分有用。你知道——那种超轻松、掌握一切的表情,使你看起来像是属于那个地方,任何地方,所有的地方,即使在雅加达的一场暴乱当中亦然。喔,不。当我不清楚自己在做什么的时候,我看起来就像不清楚自己在做什么。兴奋或紧张的时候,我便露出兴奋或紧张的神色。迷路的时候——这经常发生——我就像迷路。我的脸是每个想法 的透明发送机。大卫曾说“你和扑克脸孔正好相反。 你像是……迷你高尔夫球脸。”

And, oh, the woes that traveling has inflicted on my digestive tract! I don’t really want to open that (forgive the expression) can of worms, but suffice it to say I\'ve experienced every extreme of digestive emergency. In Lebanon I became so explosively ill one night that I could only imagine I’d somehow contracted a Middle Eastern version of the Ebola virus. In Hungary, I suffered from an entirely different kind of bowel affliction, which changed forever the way I feel about the term "Soviet Bloc." But I have other bodily weaknesses, too. My back gave out on my first day traveling in Africa, I was the only member of my party to emerge from the jungles of Venezuela with infected spider bites, and I ask you—I beg of you!—who gets sunburned in Stockholm?


美食、祈祷和恋爱 美食祈祷与恋爱高清 美食祈祷和恋爱免费 美食祈祷和恋爱原著 美食祈祷与恋爱作者 美食祈祷和恋爱在线 美食祈祷与恋爱视频 美食祈祷与恋爱下载


