双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 9

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\'Oh! Exclusion itself!\' said Miss Tox.
There was something in this. Mrs Pipchin\'s husband having broken his heart of the Peruvian mines was good. It had a rich sound. Besides, Mr Dombey was in a state almost amounting to consternation at the idea of Paul remaining where he was one hour after his removal had been recommended by the medical practitioner. It was a stoppage and delay upon the road the child must traverse, slowly at the best, before the goal was reached. Their recommendation of Mrs Pipchin had great weight with him; for he knew that they were jealous of any interference with their charge, and he never for a moment took it into account that they might be solicitous to divide a responsibility, of which he had, as shown just now, his own established views. Broke his heart of the Peruvian mines, mused Mr Dombey. Well! a very respectable way of doing It.
\'Supposing we should decide, on to-morrow\'s inquiries, to send Paul down to Brighton to this lady, who would go with him?\' inquired Mr Dombey, after some reflection.
\'I don\'t th ink you could send the child anywhere at present without Florence, my dear Paul,\' returned his sister, hesitating. \'It\'s quite an infatuation with him. He\'s very young, you know, and has his fancies.\'
“我 认为你现在把这孩子不论送到哪里去都离不了弗洛伦斯,我亲爱的保罗,”他的妹妹迟疑地回答道。“他跟她打得火热,简直到了痴迷的地步。你知道,他年纪很小,他有他自己的喜爱。”
Mr Dombey turned his head away, and going slowly to the bookcase, and unlocking it, brought back a book to read.
\'Anybody else, Louisa?\' he said, without looking up, and turning over the leaves.
\'Wickam, of course. Wickam would be quite sufficient, I should say,\' returned his sister. \'Paul being in such hands as Mrs Pipchin\'s, you could hardly send anybody who would be a further check upon her. You would go down yourself once a week at least, of course.\'
\'Of course,\' said Mr Dombey; and sat looking at one page for an hour afterwards, without reading one word.
This celebrated Mrs Pipchin was a marvellous ill-favoured, ill-conditioned old lady, of a stooping figure, with a mottled face, like bad marble, a hook nose, and a hard grey eye, that looked as if it might have been hammered at on an anvil without sustaining any injury. Forty years at least had elapsed since the Peruvian mines had been the death of Mr Pipchin; but his relict still wore black bombazeen, of such a lustreless, deep, dead, sombre shade, that gas itself couldn\'t light her up after dark, and her presence was a quencher to any number of candles. She was generally spoken of as \'a great manager\' of children; and the secret of her management was, to give them everything that they didn\'t like, and nothing that they did - which was found to sweeten their dispositions very much. She was such a bitter old lady, that one was tempted to believe there had been some mistake in the application of the Peruvian machinery, and that all her waters of gladness and milk of human kindness, had been pumped out dry, instead of the mines.
这位名扬四方的皮普钦太太是一位容貌非常丑陋、心地非常不好的老太婆,曲背弯腰,脸上斑斑点点,像一块质地粗劣的大理石;她有一只魔钩鼻和一只冷酷的灰色眼睛,看上去仿佛可能曾在铁砧上锤打过,而却没有遭受任何损伤。自从皮普钦先生在秘鲁矿井死 去以来,至少四十年已经 过去了,可是他的遗孀仍然穿着一身黑色的邦巴辛毛葛①的衣服,它颜色深暗,死气沉沉,毫无光泽,天黑以后甚至连煤气灯也不能把它照亮,而她一露面,则不论多少支蜡烛都要被她衬托得黯然无光。人们谈到她的时候,通常都称她为孩子的“杰出的管理人”;而她的管理的秘诀则在于:把孩子不喜欢的一切给他们,把他们喜欢的一切不给他们;人们发现这种方法能使孩子们的性格变得温柔起 来。她是一位十分凶狠的老太太,因此人们不由得相信,秘鲁机器在使用时出了什么差错,不是矿井被抽干了,而是她心中所怀有的一切喜悦之水和所有人类仁慈的乳汁②都被抽干了。

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