双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 14

英语阅读 2019-07-30 00:12:57 68
 \'Not if it should happen to have been a tame bull, you little Infidel?\' said Mrs Pipchin.
As Paul had not considered the subject in that light, and had founded his conclusions on the alleged lunacy of the bull, he allowed himself to be put down for the present. But he sat turning it over in his mind, with such an obvious intention of fixing Mrs Pipchin presently, that even that hardy old lady deemed it prudent to retreat until he should have forgotten the subject.
From that time, Mrs Pipchin appeared to have something of the same odd kind of attraction towards Paul, as Paul had towards her. She would make him move his chair to her side of the fire, instead of sitting opposite; and there he would remain in a nook between Mrs Pipchin and the fender, with all the light of his little face absorbed into the black bombazeen drapery, studying every line and wrinkle of her countenance, and peering at the hard grey eye, until Mrs Pipchin was sometimes fain to shut it, on pretence of dozing. Mrs Pipchin had an old black cat, who generally lay coiled upon the centre foot of the fender, purring egotistically, and winking at the fire until the contracted pupils of his eyes were like two notes of admiration. The good old lady might have been - not to record it disrespectfully - a witch, and Paul and the cat her two familiars, as they all sat by the fire together. It would have been quite in keeping with the appearance of the party if they had all sprung up the chimney in a high wind one night, and never been heard of any more.
从那时起,皮普钦太太感觉到有同样一种奇怪的吸引力把她吸引到保罗身上,就像保罗感觉到有一种奇怪的吸引力把他吸引到她身上一样。她会让他 把他的椅子移到壁炉靠她的那一边,而不是坐在她的对面;他会坐在皮普钦太太与壁炉围栏之间的角落里,他的小脸上的所有光亮都被吸引到黑色的邦巴辛毛葛衣服中;这时他研究着她脸部的每一丝线条和每一道皱纹,凝视着那只冷酷的灰色眼睛,直到皮普钦太太借口打瞌睡,假装闭上它为止。皮普钦太太有一只老黑猫,通常蜷曲着身子,躺在壁炉围栏中间的一只脚上,自高自大地喵喵叫着,同时向炉火眨巴着眼睛,直到后来它的眼睛内的瞳孔缩在一起时就像两个赞叹号似的。当他们全都坐在壁炉旁边的时候,这位善良的老太太活像是一位巫婆(这么说倒并不是想对她表示不尊敬),保罗与那只猫就像是供她差遣的两位妖精。只要看到他们这一伙的这种样子,那么如果有一天夜间他们在疾风中跳进烟囱,从此杳然无闻的话,那是不会令人惊奇的。
This, however, never came to pass. The cat, and Paul, and Mrs Pipchin, were constantly to be found in their usual places after dark; and Paul, eschewing the companionship of Master Bitherstone, went on studying Mrs Pipchin, and the cat, and the fire, night after night, as if they were a book of necromancy, in three volumes.
Mrs Wickam put her own construction on Paul\'s eccentricities; and being confirmed in her low spirits by a perplexed view of chimneys from the room where she was accustomed to sit, and by the noise of the wind, and by the general dulness (gashliness was Mrs Wickam\'s strong expression) of her present life, deduced the most dismal reflections from the foregoing premises. It was a part of Mrs Pipchin\'s policy to prevent her own \'young hussy\' - that was Mrs Pipchin\'s generic name for female servant - from communicating with Mrs Wickam: to which end she devoted much of her time to concealing herself behind doors, and springing out on that devoted maiden, whenever she made an approach towards Mrs Wickam\'s apartment. But Berry was free to hold what converse she could in that quarter, consistently with the discharge of the multifarious duties at which she toiled incessantly from morning to night; and to Berry Mrs Wickam unburdened her mind.
威肯姆大嫂对保罗的古怪脾气有她自己的看法;由于她从她习惯坐着的房间望出去是一片混乱的烟囱的景色,由于风的呼啸,由于她目前生活的沉闷无趣(用威肯姆大嫂强烈的话来说,那真是“难受得要命”),所以她的低沉的情绪无法好转,而且她从上述的前提中得 出了极为惨淡的结论。皮普钦太太的一个方针就是阻止她自己的“轻佻的小 贱货”——这是皮普钦太太对她的女仆的总的称呼——跟威肯姆大嫂交往;为了这个目的,她耗费好多时间躲藏在门后,只要有一位忠心的姑娘向威肯姆的房间走去,她就会跳出来吓唬她。可是贝里却能自由地到那个地方去谈话,只要不妨碍她从早到晚劳累不停地执行她那些五花八门的任务就行;也只有在跟贝里交谈的时候,威肯姆大嫂才能把她心里的话倾吐出来。
\'What a pretty fellow he is when he\'s asleep!\' said Berry, stopping to look at Paul in bed, one night when she took up Mrs Wickam\'s supper.
\'Ah!\' sighed Mrs Wickam. \'He need be.\'
“啊!”威肯姆叹气道。“他应当是漂亮的。” 董贝父子 董贝父子伊迪斯和卡克尔 狄更斯董贝父子 董贝父子中文 董贝父子的主要内容 董贝父子中董贝的形象 董贝父子感悟 董贝父子的写作背景 董贝父子翻译


