双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 8

英语阅读 2019-07-30 00:12:55 69
\'Who is Mrs Pipchin, Louisa?\' asked Mr Dombey; aghast at this familiar introduction of a name he had never heard before.
\'Mrs Pipchin, my dear Paul,\' returned his sister, \'is an elderly lady - Miss Tox knows her whole history - who has for some time devoted all the energies of her mind, with the greatest success, to the study and treatment of infancy, and who has been extremely well connected. Her husband broke his heart in - how did you say her husband broke his heart, my dear? I forget the precise circumstances.
\'In pumping water out of the Peruvian Mines,\' replied Miss Tox.
\'Not being a Pumper himself, of course,\' said Mrs Chick, glancing at her brother; and it really did seem necessary to offer the explanation, for Miss Tox had spoken of him as if he had died at the handle; \'but having invested money in the speculation, which failed. I believe that Mrs Pipchin\'s management of children is quite astonishing. I have heard it commended in private circles ever since I was - dear me - how high!\' Mrs Chick\'s eye wandered about the bookcase near the bust of Mr Pitt, which was about ten feet from the ground.
“当然,他自己倒不是一位抽水泵的工人,”奇克夫人向她的哥哥看了一眼,说道;这个解释似乎确实是必要的,因为从托克斯小姐所 说的话听起来,仿佛他是死在水泵的摇柄旁边似的;“而是在那个企业中投资,它后来破产了。我相信皮普钦太太对孩子的管理是相当惊人的。我曾在一些要好的朋友中间听到大家赞扬她,那还是当我是——我的天——多么高!”奇克夫人的眼光正转到书橱上、离地大约有十英尺的皮特先生的半身像上。
\'Perhaps I should say of Mrs Pipchin, my dear Sir,\' observed Miss Tox, with an ingenuous blush, \'having been so pointedly referred to, that the encomium which has been passed upon her by your sweet sister is well merited. Many ladies and gentleman, now grown up to be interesting members of society, have been indebted to her care. The humble individual who addresses you was once under her charge. I believe juvenile nobility itself is no stranger to her establishment.\'
\'Do I understand that this respectable matron keeps an establishment, Miss Tox?\' the Mr Dombey, condescendingly.
\'Why, I really don\'t know,\' rejoined that lady, \'whether I am justified in calling it so. It is not a Preparatory School by any means. Should I express my meaning,\' said Miss Tox, with peculiar sweetness,\'if I designated it an infantine Boarding-House of a very select description?\'
\'On an exceedingly limited and particular scale,\' suggested Mrs Chick, with a glance at her brother.
“这个所对幼儿的挑选是特别严格的,人数是极为有限的,”奇克夫人向她的哥哥 看了一眼,提示道. 董贝父子 董贝父子伊迪斯和卡克尔 狄更斯董贝父子 董贝父子中文 董贝父子的主要内容 董贝父子中董贝的形象 董贝父子感悟 董贝父子的写作背景 董贝父子翻译


