双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 7

英语阅读 2019-07-30 00:12:53 87

Mrs Chick was afraid to say limbs, after Mr Dombey\'s recent objection to bones, and therefore waited for a suggestion from Miss Tox, who, true to her office, hazarded \'members.\'
在董贝先生刚才对骨头这个词表示反感之后,奇克夫人怕说出四肢这个词,因此等待着托克斯小姐 给她提示;托克斯小姐忠于职守,没有把握地说了个:“身体的一些部分。”
\'Members!\' repeated Mr Dombey.
\'I think the medical gentleman mentioned legs this morning, my dear Louisa, did he not?\' said Miss Tox.
\'Why, of course he did, my love,\' retorted Mrs Chick, mildly reproachful. \'How can you ask me? You heard him. I say, if our dear Paul should lose, for the moment, the use of his legs, these are casualties common to many children at his time of life, and not to be prevented by any care or caution. The sooner you understand that, Paul, and admit that, the better. If you have any doubt as to the amount of care, and caution, and affection, and self-sacrifice, that has been bestowed upon little Paul, I should wish to refer the question to your medical attendant, or to any of your dependants in this house. Call Towlinson,\' said Mrs Chick, \'I believe he has no prejudice in our favour; quite the contrary. I should wish to hear what accusation Towlinson can make!\'
\'Surely you must know, Louisa,\' observed Mr Dombey, \'that I don\'t question your natural devotion to, and regard for, the future head of my house.\'\'I am glad to hear it, Paul,\' said Mrs Chick; \'but really you are very odd, and sometimes talk very strangely, though without meaning it, I know. If your dear boy\'s soul is too much for his body, Paul, you should remember whose fault that is - who he takes after, I mean - and make the best of it. He\'s as like his Papa as he can be. People have noticed it in the streets. The very beadle, I am informed, observed it, so long ago as at his christening. He\'s a very respectable man, with children of his own. He ought to know.\'\'Mr Pilkins saw Paul this morning, I believe?\' said Mr Dombey.
\'Yes, he did,\' returned his sister. \'Miss Tox and myself were present. Miss Tox and myself are always present. We make a point of it. Mr Pilkins has seen him for some days past, and a very clever man I believe him to be. He says it is nothing to speak of; which I can confirm, if that is any consolation; but he recommended, to-day, sea-air. Very wisely, Paul, I feel convinced.\'
\'Sea-air,\' repeated Mr Dombey, looking at his sister.
\'There is nothing to be made uneasy by, in that,\'said Mrs Chick. \'My George and Frederick were both ordered sea-air, when they were about his age; and I have been ordered it myself a great many times. I quite agree with you, Paul, that perhaps topics may be incautiously mentioned upstairs before him, which it would be as well for his little mind not to expatiate upon; but I really don\'t see how that is to be helped, in the case of a child of his quickness. If he were a common child, there would be nothing in it. I must say I think, with Miss Tox, that a short absence from this house, the air of Brighton, and the bodily and mental training of so judicious a person as Mrs Pipchin for instance - \'
“没有什么好担心挂虑的,”奇克夫人说道。“我的乔治与弗雷德里克两人在跟他差不多大小的时候,大夫也曾建议他们去呼吸海边的空气;我本人也曾好多次接受过同样的医嘱。我很同意你的意见,保罗,也许在楼上当着他的面曾经漫不在意地谈到了一些他的小脑袋瓜最好别去琢磨的一些事情。可是我确实觉得,对待像他这么灵敏的孩子,也没有什么法子好想。如果他是一个普通的孩子的话,那么这倒也没有什么了不起的。我必须说,我与托克斯小姐认为,离开这个家短短一段时间,布赖顿①的空气以及到比方说,像皮普钦太太这样有见识的人那里去接受一 下身心上的训练——”

董贝父子 董贝父子伊迪斯和卡克尔 狄更斯董贝父子 董贝父子中文 董贝父子的主要内容 董贝父子中董贝的形象 董贝父子感悟 董贝父子的写作背景 董贝父子翻译


