双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第10章 Part 2
It was some time coming to his aid in the present instance, but it befriended him at last. When the dark servant, with full particulars, reported Miss Tox absent on Brighton service, the Major was suddenly touched with affectionate reminiscences of his friend Bill Bitherstone of Bengal, who had written to ask him, if he ever went that way, to bestow a call upon his only son. But when the same dark servant reported Paul at Mrs Pipchin\'s, and the Major, referring to the letter favoured by Master Bitherstone on his arrival in England - to which he had never had the least idea of paying any attention - saw the opening that presented itself, he was made so rabid by the gout, with which he happened to be then laid up, that he threw a footstool at the dark servant in return for his intelligence, and swore he would be the death of the rascal before he had done with him: which the dark servant was more than half disposed to believe.
At length the Major being released from his fit, went one Saturday growling down to Brighton, with the native behind him; apostrophizing Miss Tox all the way, and gloating over the prospect of carrying by storm the distinguished friend to whom she attached so much mystery, and for whom she had deserted him.
\'Would you, Ma\'am, would you!\' said the Major, straining with vindictiveness, and swelling every already swollen vein in his head. \'Would you give Joey B. the go-by, Ma\'am? Not yet, Ma\'am, not yet! Damme, not yet, Sir. Joe is awake,Ma\'am. Bagstock is alive, Sir. J. B. knows a move or two, Ma\'am. Josh has his weather-eye open, Sir. You\'ll find him tough, Ma\'am. Tough, Sir, tough is Joseph. Tough, and de-vilish sly!\'
And very tough indeed Master Bitherstone found him, when he took that young gentleman out for a walk. But the Major, with his complexion like a Stilton cheese, and his eyes like a prawn\'s, went roving about, perfectly indifferent to Master Bitherstone\'s amusement, and dragging Master Bitherstone along, while he looked about him high and low, for Mr Dombey and his children.
In good time the Major, previously instructed by Mrs Pipchin, spied out Paul and Florence, and bore down upon them; there being a stately gentleman (Mr Dombey, doubtless) in their company. Charging with Master Bitherstone into the very heart of the little squadron, it fell out, of course, that Master Bitherstone spoke to his fellow-sufferers. Upon that the Major stopped to notice and admire them; remembered with amazement that he had seen and spoken to them at his friend Miss Tox\'s in Princess\'s Place; opined that Paul was a devilish fine fellow, and his own little friend; inquired if he remembered Joey B. the Major; and finally, with a sudden recollection of the conventionalities of life, turned and apologised to Mr Dombey.
由于皮普钦太太事先进行过指点,所以少校及时地侦察到了保罗和弗洛伦斯,并且迅速地向他们走近。有一位庄严的绅士跟他们在一起,他无疑就是董贝先生。当他和比瑟斯通少爷闯进这一小群人中间时,结果自然是比瑟斯通少爷跟他那些同样遭难受罪的伴侣们谈起话来。少校在后面停下脚步,注意地看着他们并称赞着他们;他表示惊奇地记起来,他曾经在公主广场他的朋友托克斯小姐的家里看见过他们,跟他们说过话;他说,保罗是一个非常可爱的孩子,是他自己的小朋友;又问他是否记得乔埃·白少校,最后,他突然记起了习俗惯例应有的礼节,就转过身去,向董贝先生道歉。 -------- ①孟加拉(Bengal):当时全属于印度。 ②斯蒂尔顿干酪(Stiltoncheese):英国产干酪,以亨丁顿郡一村庄命名,乳黄色,带有青霉菌芽胞蓝绿色花纹。正因为带有蓝绿色的花纹,所以说少校的脸色像它。