双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第9章 Part 10

英语阅读 2019-07-29 18:12:07 91

\'Come! What do you make of it?\' said Captain Cuttle.
\'Why, Lord help you!\' returned the broker; \'you don\'t suppose that property\'s of any use, do you?\'
\'Why not?\' inquired the Captain.
\'Why? The amount\'s three hundred and seventy, odd,\' replied the broker.
\'Never mind,\' returned the Captain, though he was evidently dismayed by the figures: \'all\'s fish that comes to your net, I suppose?\'
\'Certainly,\' said Mr Brogley. \'But sprats ain\'t whales, you know.\'
The philosophy of this observation seemed to strike the Captain. He ruminated for a minute; eyeing the broker, meanwhile, as a deep genius; and then called the Instrument-maker aside.
\'Gills,\' said Captain Cuttle, \'what\'s the bearings of this business? Who\'s the creditor?\'
\'Hush!\' returned the old man. \'Come away. Don\'t speak before Wally. It\'s a matter of security for Wally\'s father - an old bond. I\'ve paid a good deal of it, Ned, but the times are so bad with me that I can\'t do more just now. I\'ve foreseen it, but I couldn\'t help it. Not a word before Wally, for all the world.\'
\'You\'ve got some money, haven\'t you?\' whispered the Captain.
\'Yes, yes - oh yes- I\'ve got some,\' returned old Sol, first putting his hands into his empty pockets, and then squeezing his Welsh wig between them, as if he thought he might wring some gold out of it; \'but I - the little I have got, isn\'t convertible, Ned; it can\'t be got at. I have been trying to do something with it for Wally, and I\'m old fashioned, and behind the time. It\'s here and there, and - and, in short, it\'s as good as nowhere,\' said the old man, looking in bewilderment about him.
He had so much the air of a half-witted person who had been hiding his money in a variety of places, and had forgotten where, that the Captain followed his eyes, not without a faint hope that he might remember some few hundred pounds concealed up the chimney, or down in the cellar. But Solomon Gills knew better than that.

董贝父子 董贝父子伊迪斯和卡克尔 狄更斯董贝父子 董贝父子中文 董贝父子的主要内容 董贝父子中董贝的形象 董贝父子感悟 董贝父子的写作背景 董贝父子翻译


