《美食祈祷和恋爱》Chapter 28 (58):遇到乔凡尼
I drop my face in my hands for a longer and even sadder time. Finally I look up, only to see that one of the Albanian women who work at the Internet café has paused from her nightshift mopping of the floor to lean against the wall and watch me. We hold our tired gazes on each other for a moment. Then I give her a grim shake of my head and say aloud, "This blows ass." She nods sympathetically. She doesn\'t understand, but of course, in her way, she understands completely.
My cell phone rings.
It\'s Giovanni. He sounds confused. He says he\'s been waiting for me for over an hour in the Piazza Fiume, which is where we always meet on Thursday nights for language exchange. He\'s bewildered, because normally he\'s the one who\'s late or who forgets to show up for our appointments, but he got there right on time tonight for once and he was pretty sure—didn\'t we have a date?
是乔凡尼。他听起来很困惑。他说已在河流广场(Piazza Fiume)等了我一个多小时,那是我们每周四晚间会面做语言交流的地方。他感到迷惘,因为通常迟到或忘记赴约的人总是他。可是今晚他一反平常,准时到达那里,而且他十分肯定——我们不是有约吗?
I\'d forgotten. I tell him where I am. He says he\'ll come pick me up in his car. I\'m not in the mood for seeing anybody, but it\'s too hard to explain this over the telefonino, given our limited language skills. I go wait outside in the cold for him. A few minutes later, his little red car pulls up and I climb in. He asks me in slangy Italian what\'s up. I open my mouth to answer and collapse into tears. I mean—wailing. I mean—that terrible, ragged breed of bawling my friend Sally calls "double-pumpin\' it," when you have to inhale two desperate gasps of oxygen with every sob. I never even saw this griefquake coming, got totally blindsided by it.
Poor Giovanni! He asks in halting English if he did something wrong. Am I mad at him, maybe? Did he hurt my feelings? I can\'t answer, but only shake my head and keep howling. I\'m so mortified with myself and so sorry for dear Giovanni, trapped here in this car with this sobbing, incoherent old woman who is totally a pezzi—in pieces.
I finally manage to rasp out an assurance that my distress has nothing to do with him. I choke forth an apology for being such a mess. Giovanni takes charge of the situation in a manner far beyond his years. He says, "Do not apologize for crying. Without this emotion, we are only robots." He gives me some tissues from a box in the back of the car. He says, "Let\'s drive."
最后我以粗嘎的嗓门一再表示,我的悲痛与他无关。我为自己的失态哽咽着向他致歉。乔凡尼以远超过自己年纪的态度控制住场面。他说:“别因为哭泣而道歉。若没有这样的情绪,我们就只是机器人罢了。”他从后座的面纸盒里拿了几张面纸给我。 他说:“我们开车吧。”
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