双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第10章 Part 6

英语阅读 2019-07-29 18:12:04 88

It was on the day after this occasion (being Sunday) when, as Mr Dombey, Mrs Chick, and Miss Tox were sitting at breakfast, still eulogising the Major, Florence came running in: her face suffused with a bright colour, and her eyes sparkling joyfully: and cried,\'Papa! Papa! Here\'s Walter! and he won\'t come in.\'
\'Who?\' cried Mr Dombey. \'What does she mean? What is this?\'
\'Walter, Papa!\' said Florence timidly; sensible of having approached the presence with too much familiarity. \'Who found me when I was lost.\'\'Does she mean young Gay, Louisa?\' inquired Mr Dombey, knitting his brows. \'Really, this child\'s manners have become very boisterous. She cannot mean young Gay, I think. See what it is, will you?\'
Mrs Chick hurried into the passage, and returned with the information that it was young Gay, accompanied by a very strange-looking person; and that young Gay said he would not take the liberty of coming in, hearing Mr Dombey was at breakfast, but would wait until Mr Dombey should signify that he might approach.
\'Tell the boy to come in now,\' said Mr Dombey. \'Now, Gay, what is the matter? Who sent you down here? Was there nobody else to come?\'
\'I beg your pardon, Sir,\' returned Walter. \'I have not been sent. I have been so bold as to come on my own account, which I hope you\'ll pardon when I mention the cause.
But Mr Dombey, without attending to what he said, was looking impatiently on either side of him (as if he were a pillar in his way) at some object behind.
\'What\'s that?\' said Mr Dombey. \'Who is that? I think you have made some mistake in the door, Sir.\'
\'Oh, I\'m very sorry to intrude with anyone, Sir,\' cried Walter, hastily: \'but this is - this is Captain Cuttle, Sir.\'
\'Wal\'r, my lad,\' observed the Captain in a deep voice: \'stand by!\'
At the same time the Captain, coming a little further in, brought out his wide suit of blue, his conspicuous shirt-collar, and his knobby nose in full relief, and stood bowing to Mr Dombey, and waving his hook politely to the ladies, with the hard glazed hat in his one hand, and a red equator round his head which it had newly imprinted there.

董贝父子 董贝父子伊迪斯和卡克尔 狄更斯董贝父子 董贝父子中文 董贝父子的主要内容 董贝父子中董贝的形象 董贝父子感悟 董贝父子的写作背景 董贝父子翻译


