双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第10章 Part 1

英语阅读 2019-07-29 18:12:03 49

\'You run round to the office, first of all, and see if he\'s there,\' said Captain Cuttle, clapping him on the back. \'Quick!\'
Walter felt he must not dispute the command - a glance at his Uncle would have determined him if he had felt otherwise- and disappeared to execute it. He soon returned, out of breath, to say that Mr Dombey was not there. It was Saturday, and he had gone to Brighton.
\'I tell you what, Wal\'r!\' said the Captain, who seemed to have prepared himself for this contingency in his absence.\'We\'ll go to Brighton. I\'ll back you, my boy. I\'ll back you, Wal\'r. We\'ll go to Brighton by the afternoon\'s coach.\'
If the application must be made to Mr Dombey at all, which was awful to think of, Walter felt that he would rather prefer it alone and unassisted, than backed by the personal influence of Captain Cuttle, to which he hardly thought Mr Dombey would attach much weight. But as the Captain appeared to be of quite another opinion, and was bent upon it, and as his friendship was too zealous and serious to be trifled with by one so much younger than himself, he forbore to hint the least objection. Cuttle, therefore, taking a hurried leave of Solomon Gills, and returning the ready money, the teaspoons, the sugar-tongs, and the silver watch, to his pocket - with a view, as Walter thought, with horror, to making a gorgeous impression on Mr Dombey - bore him off to the coach-office, with- out a minute\'s delay, and repeatedly assured him, on the road, that he would stick by him to the last.
Major Bagstock, after long and frequent observation of Paul, across Princess\'s Place, through his double-barrelled opera-glass; and after receiving many minute reports, daily, weekly, and monthly, on that subject, from the native who kept himself in constant communication with Miss Tox\'s maid for that purpose; came to the conclusion that Dombey,Sir, was a man to be known, and that J. B. was the boy to make his acquaintance.
Miss Tox, however, maintaining her reserved behaviour, and frigidly declining to understand the Major whenever he called (which he often did) on any little fishing excursion connected with this project, the Major, in spite of his constitutional toughness and slyness, was fain to leave the accomplishment of his desire in some measure to chance,\'which,\' as he was used to observe with chuckles at his club, \'has been fifty to one in favour of Joey B., Sir, ever since his elder brother died of Yellow Jack in the West Indies.\'

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