
英语阅读 2019-07-29 12:12:25 71

Sir Lancelot was the finest knight in the court of King Arthur, a bravest and most skillful fighter. He often fought in disguise, but he was always recognized because no other knight had as much courage and skill as he. Lancelot was brought up by the Lady of the Lake, a woman with magic powers, who took him as an infant to her castle at the bottom of a lake. After he reached manhood, the Lady of the Lake brought him to Arthur’s court, where he proved is courage and was made one of te Knight of the Round Table. Lancelot and Guenevere, the queen, fell in love at Arthur’s court. Lancelot was also loved by Elanine, a beautiful girl, but he soon deserted her and she died of a broken heart. After Arthur discovered the love affair between Lancelot and his wife, the lovers fled to Lancelot’s castle. Lancelot killed several of his fellow knights after they found him with the queen. Later, Lancelot returned Guenevere to Arthur and left Britain. Arthur pursued Lancelot to France but went back to Britain after learning that Modred had seized his kingdom. Lancelot returned to Britain after Arthur’s death and learned that Guenevere had become a nun. He became a religious hermit and died shortly after Guenevere did. Lancelot and Elaine had an illegitimate son, Galahad, who became a famous knight of the Round Table.

Along with many other knights, Lancelot searched for the Holy Grail, the cup that Jesus Christ used at the Last Supper. Because he had moral defects, he did not find the Holy Grail. But his son, Sir Galahad, did.



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