双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第11章 Part 1

英语阅读 2019-07-29 12:12:21 106

The Captain viewed the subject in quite a different light. He appeared to entertain a belief that the interview at which he had assisted was so very satisfactory and encouraging, as to be only a step or two removed from a regular betrothal of Florence to Walter; and that the late transaction had immensely forwarded, if not thoroughly established, the Whittingtonian hopes. Stimulated by this conviction, and by the improvement in the spirits of his old friend, and by his own consequent gaiety, he even attempted, in favouring them with the ballad of \'Lovely Peg\' for the third time in one evening, to make an extemporaneous substitution of the name \'Florence;\' but finding this difficult, on account of the word Peg invariably rhyming to leg (in which personal beauty the original was described as having excelled all competitors), he hit upon the happy thought of changing it to Fle-e-eg; which he accordingly did, with an archness almost supernatural, and a voice quite vociferous, notwithstanding that the time was close at band when he must seek the abode of the dreadful Mrs MacStinger.
Mrs Pipchin\'s constitution was made of such hard metal, in spite of its liability to the fleshly weaknesses of standing in need of repose after chops, and of requiring to be coaxed to sleep by the soporific agency of sweet-breads, that it utterly set at naught the predictions of Mrs Wickam, and showed no symptoms of decline. Yet, as Paul\'s rapt interest in the old lady continued unbated, Mrs Wickam would not budge an inch from the position she had taken up. Fortifying and entrenching herself on the strong ground of her Uncle\'s Betsey Jane, she advised Miss Berry, as a friend, to prepare herself for the worst; and forewarned her that her aunt might, at any time, be expected to go off suddenly, like a powder-mill.
Poor Berry took it all in good part, and drudged and slaved away as usual; perfectly convinced that Mrs Pipchin was one of the most meritorious persons in the world, and making every day innumerable sacrifices of herself upon the altar of that noble old woman. But all these immolations of Berry were somehow carried to the credit of Mrs Pipchin by Mrs Pipchin\'s friends and admirers; and were made to harmonise with, and carry out, that melancholy fact of the deceased Mr Pipchin having broken his heart in the Peruvian mines.
For example, there was an honest grocer and general dealer in the retail line of business, between whom and Mrs Pipchin there was a small memorandum book, with a greasy red cover, perpetually in question, and concerning which divers secret councils and conferences were continually being held between the parties to that register, on the mat in the passage, and with closed doors in the parlour. Nor were there wanting dark hints from Master Bitherstone (whose temper had been made revengeful by the solar heats of India acting on his blood), of balances unsettled, and of a failure, on one occasion within his memory, in the supply of moist sugar at tea-time. This grocer being a bachelor and not a man who looked upon the surface for beauty, had once made honourable offers for the hand of Berry, which Mrs Pipchin had, with contumely and scorn, rejected. Everybody said how laudable this was in Mrs Pipchin, relict of a man who had died of the Peruvian mines; and what a staunch, high, independent spirit the old lady had. But nobody said anything about poor Berry, who cried for six weeks (being soundly rated by her good aunt all the time), and lapsed into a state of hopeless spinsterhood.
例如,有一位经营食品、杂货和一般零售业的诚实的商人,与皮普钦太太之间有一本油腻的红封面的小备忘录,它总是不断地引起争议;为了这一点,登记册涉及的各方经常在铺了席子的走廊里或在关着门的客厅里举行各种秘密的磋商与会议。比瑟斯通少爷(由于印度的太阳热对他的血液发生作用的缘故,因此他产生了一副爱报复的脾气)也屡次隐约地暗示,钱款收支不符,差额没有结清;他还记得,有一次喝茶的时候,没有供应潮湿的糖。这位商人是个单身汉,并不看重外表的漂亮,一次规规矩矩地向贝里求婚,但皮普钦太太却傲慢无礼地刻薄挖苦他,把他的求婚给拒绝了。人人都说,皮普钦太太,一位死在秘鲁矿井的男子的遗孀,这样做是多么值得称赞,还说这位老太太有着多么坚强、高尚与独立的精神。可是对可怜的贝里却没有一个人说过一句话;她哭了六个星期(她善良的姑妈一直在严厉地斥责她),并落到一个绝望的老处女的处境。 -------- ①英文中腿(leg)这个词的发音为莱格。

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