双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第10章 Part 9

英语阅读 2019-07-29 12:12:06 92

\'What was this debt contracted for?\' asked Mr Dombey, at length. \'Who is the creditor?\'
\'He don\'t know,\' replied the Captain, putting his hand on Walter\'s shoulder. \'I do. It came of helping a man that\'s dead now, and that\'s cost my friend Gills many a hundred pound already. More particulars in private, if agreeable.\'
\'People who have enough to do to hold their own way,\' said Mr Dombey, unobservant of the Captain\'s mysterious signs behind Walter, and still looking at his son, \'had better be content with their own obligations and difficulties, and not increase them by engaging for other men. It is an act of dishonesty and presumption, too,\' said Mr Dombey, sternly; \'great presumption; for the wealthy could do no more. Paul, come here!\'
The child obeyed: and Mr Dombey took him on his knee.
\'If you had money now - \' said Mr Dombey. \'Look at me!\'
Paul, whose eyes had wandered to his sister, and to Walter, looked his father in the face.
\'If you had money now,\' said Mr Dombey; \'as much money as young Gay has talked about; what would you do?\'
\'Give it to his old Uncle,\' returned Paul.
\'Lend it to his old Uncle, eh?\' retorted Mr Dombey. \'Well! When you are old enough, you know, you will share my money, and we shall use it together.\'
\'Dombey and Son,\' interrupted Paul, who had been tutored early in the phrase.
\'Dombey and Son,\' repeated his father. \'Would you like to begin to be Dombey and Son, now, and lend this money to young Gay\'s Uncle?\'
\'Oh! if you please, Papa!\' said Paul: \'and so would Florence.\'
\'Girls,\' said Mr Dombey, \'have nothing to do with Dombey and Son. Would you like it?\'
\'Yes, Papa, yes!\'
\'Then you shall do it,\' returned his father. \'And you see, Paul,\' he added, dropping his voice, \'how powerful money is, and how anxious people are to get it. Young Gay comes all this way to beg for money, and you, who are so grand and great, having got it, are going to let him have it, as a great favour and obligation.\'

董贝父子 董贝父子伊迪斯和卡克尔 狄更斯董贝父子 董贝父子中文 董贝父子的主要内容 董贝父子中董贝的形象 董贝父子感悟 董贝父子的写作背景 董贝父子翻译


