双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第11章 Part 8

英语阅读 2019-07-29 06:12:09 98

Even his childish agitation could not master the sly and quaint yet touching look, with which he accompanied the reply.
It brought a vague expression of dissatisfaction into Mr Dombey\'s face; but the door being opened, it was quickly gone.
\'Doctor Blimber is at home, I believe?\' said Mr Dombey.
The man said yes; and as they passed in, looked at Paul as if he were a little mouse, and the house were a trap. He was a weak-eyed young man, with the first faint streaks or early dawn of a grin on his countenance. It was mere imbecility; but Mrs Pipchin took it into her head that it was impudence, and made a snap at him directly.
\'How dare you laugh behind the gentleman\'s back?\' said Mrs Pipchin. \'And what do you take me for?\'
\'I ain\'t a laughing at nobody, and I\'m sure I don\'t take you for nothing, Ma\'am,\' returned the young man, in consternation.
\'A pack of idle dogs!\' said Mrs Pipchin, \'only fit to be turnspits. Go and tell your master that Mr Dombey\'s here, or it\'ll be worse for you!\'
The weak-eyed young man went, very meekly, to discharge himself of this commission; and soon came back to invite them to the Doctor\'s study.
\'You\'re laughing again, Sir,\' said Mrs Pipchin, when it came to her turn, bringing up the rear, to pass him in the hall.
\'I ain\'t,\' returned the young man, grievously oppressed. \'I never see such a thing as this!\'
\'What is the matter, Mrs Pipchin?\' said Mr Dombey, looking round. \'Softly! Pray!\'
-------- ①英国旧时社会中训练狗用踏车来转动烤肉叉。

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