双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第11章 Part 7

英语阅读 2019-07-29 06:12:03 78

Miss Blimber, too, although a slim and graceful maid, did no soft violence to the gravity of the house. There was no light nonsense about Miss Blimber. She kept her hair short and crisp, and wore spectacles. She was dry and sandy with working in the graves of deceased languages. None of your live languages for Miss Blimber. They must be dead - stone dead - and then Miss Blimber dug them up like a Ghoul.
Mrs Blimber, her Mama, was not learned herself, but she pretended to be, and that did quite as well. She said at evening parties, that if she could have known Cicero, she thought she could have died contented. It was the steady joy of her life to see the Doctor\'s young gentlemen go out walking, unlike all other young gentlemen, in the largest possible shirt-collars, and the stiffest possible cravats. It was so classical, she said.
As to Mr Feeder, B.A., Doctor Blimber\'s assistant, he was a kind of human barrel-organ, with a little list of tunes at which he was continually working, over and over again, without any variation. He might have been fitted up with a change of barrels, perhaps, in early life, if his destiny had been favourable; but it had not been; and he had only one, with which, in a monotonous round, it was his occupation to bewilder the young ideas of Doctor Blimber\'s young gentlemen. The young gentlemen were prematurely full of carking anxieties. They knew no rest from the pursuit of stony-hearted verbs, savage noun-substantives, inflexible syntactic passages, and ghosts of exercises that appeared to them in their dreams. Under the forcing system, a young gentleman usually took leave of his spirits in three weeks. He had all the cares of the world on his head in three months. He conceived bitter sentiments against his parents or guardians in four; he was an old misanthrope, in five; envied Curtius that blessed refuge in the earth, in six; and at the end of the first twelvemonth had arrived at the conclusion, from which he never afterwards departed, that all the fancies of the poets, and lessons of the sages, were a mere collection of words and grammar, and had no other meaning in the world.
But he went on blow, blow, blowing, in the Doctor\'s hothouse, all the time; and the Doctor\'s glory and reputation were great, when he took his wintry growth home to his relations and friends.
Upon the Doctor\'s door-steps one day, Paul stood with a fluttering heart, and with his small right hand in his father\'s. His other hand was locked in that of Florence. How tight the tiny pressure of that one; and how loose and cold the other!
Mrs Pipchin hovered behind the victim, with her sable plumage and her hooked beak, like a bird of ill-omen. She was out of breath - for Mr Dombey, full of great thoughts, had walked fast - and she croaked hoarsely as she waited for the opening of the door.
\'Now, Paul,\' said Mr Dombey, exultingly. \'This is the way indeed to be Dombey and Son, and have money. You are almost a man already.\'
\'Almost,\' returned the child.
-------- ①西塞罗(MarcusTulliusCicero)(公元前106—43年):古罗马政治家、雄辩家和著作家。 ②库尔提乌斯(MarcusCurtius):据古罗马神话传说,公元前362年,罗马广场裂开一条无底深沟;预言师说,只有把罗马最宝贵的东西扔下去,裂缝才能重新合拢。这时年轻人库尔提乌斯宣称,没有什么能比一个勇敢的公民更可宝贵的了,于是他全副武装跳下了深沟。他刚一跳下,裂缝就立即重新合拢。后来这处地方变成了一片池塘,称为库尔提乌斯湖(LacusCurtius)。

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