英语故事:Super power line(超级电线)

英语阅读 2019-07-29 00:13:22 118


Super power line——超级电线

During the recent blackout in New York city, my sister’s phone at the ferry company kept ringing as people inquired about service. One caller asked if the ferry was running.

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “How? There’s been a power failure in New York!” said the caller.

  “Don’t worry,” said my sister. “Our ferry’s plugged into the New Jersey side!”


 纽约市最近的一次停电中,我那在渡轮公司上班的姐姐的电话是响个不停,因为人们想了解渡轮的服务相关问题。 一个打电话来的人问渡轮还开不开。




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