
英语阅读 2019-07-29 00:13:16 217

The Thailand Teacher’s Day is becoming a favourite activity for educators in the country, celebrated every 16th of January, this promises to be another wonderful nationwide event for Thailanders. The usual merry making and festivities, preparing for the country’s best gastronomy and more stuff awaits the teacher appreciation day in the country.

  Usually, when the teacher appreciation day in Thailand comes, students all over the country would love to prepare their traditional offerings of love and greetings cards for their favourite teachers. Though a very traditional method just like in other countries of the world, the Thailand still value this avenue. It’s not only economical for the teachers but to the parents as well. What matters most for the teachers are the personal messages of students who express themselves and what they believe in.

  In most schools across the country, the traditional presentation of ethnic dances is also very relevant to the older generation of educators. They would love to see students entertain them with the country’s traditional dance. However there are also younger generation of educators that also prefer modern dancing. School administrators would also treat the teachers to a sumptuous lunch with their own preparation of Thailand’s gastronomy and delicacy. Other schools would also schedule small parties to make the teacher appreciation day more memorable for the teachers.

  Sport festivals

  In some places in Thailand there are also lots of ballgames as a kind of entertainment for sports-minded people. Many athletic teachers during teacher’s day are happily participating so that they would also sweat it out. It has been noted for the last decade that many teachers are becoming fat and yet the government has not done to address this problem. Many teachers have already died of heart attack.


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