Surprise surprise——惊喜
Don\'t ever pay a surprise visit to a child in college. You might be the one getting the surprise. I learned this the hard way when I swung by my son\'s campus during a business trip. Locating what I thought was his fraternity house, I rang the doorbell. "Yeah?" a voice called from inside.
"Does Dylan Housman live here?"
"Yup," the voice answered. "Leave him on the front porch. We\'ll drag him in later."
从来不要冷不丁地去看你上大学的孩子。因为你有可能成为被吓一大跳的那个。 一次,我在出差期间绕道去儿子的大学,结果得到这个教训。 那天,琢磨着那就是儿子住的男生宿舍,我按了门铃。“什么事?”一个声音从里面传出来。
“Dylan Housman 是住在这吗?”
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