
英语阅读 2019-07-28 12:12:13 117

Take an online personality or strength/weakness test. This one from Dr. Martin Seligman is world-renowned. You have to register, but that\'s free。

  Invest a little time in some daily journaling. Just let the pen roll as you envisage what your perfect day, then week, then year would look like. I don\'t mean the down-time (although there\'s plenty of people who\'ve turned a passion for travel into a solid income)。

  By this point you should be starting to get a little excited. Even the act of thinking about how cool it would be to actually love what you do should get the motivational juices flowing. But if you\'re still really not sure what you\'d like to do - or perhaps you feel like there\'s so many things to choose from - then try this。

  Find a clean piece of paper and a pen. Write down the numbers 1-10. Think back over past weeks, months, even years - which events/activities stand out as being joyous or exciting for you? If you can\'t think of anything, consider those events you reacted to in others with excitement, even jealousy. You might like to consider the following categories as a memory-jogger or just for ideas:

  • Travel
  • Creativity
  • Social connection
  • Helping others
  • Making deals
  • Re-selling goods
  • Teaching


  • 旅游

  • 创造力

  • 社交

  • 帮助他人

  • 做交易

  • 货物再出售

  • 教学

  The long and short of it is that you want to highlight those times when you feel most alive. What makes you feel creative, happy, free, a sense of belonging?

  Now that you have your passion in mind it\'s time to start making it happen. This is actually the easiest part of the process so far. Remember back to the start of this article? You\'ve already committed to setting aside 30 minutes per day to work on your passion, so set the timer and get started. Try not to worry too much about how you can turn it into money, just focus on action. And, if you have several possible passions in mind, then choose one and start with that. Commit to it for 21 days and then decide if you\'d like to keep going or start afresh。

  Here\'s how you might fill that 30 minutes:

  Write about your passion, what you like about it, what comes easy to you, where you\'d like to improve your skills

  Research the work of others who are effectively using your passion in their lives

  Teach it to someone else

  Read about it

  Study different methods of doing it

  Create a vision board of what your life will look like when you\'re doing it

  Do this diligently and sooner or later you\'ll feel ready to take the next step: offering a discounted version of your service, applying for a freelance position, sharing your knowledge with someone who can help you get ahead. This could be the moment when that part-time passion suddenly really does seem like something that might one day replace your full time income. Soon as you make that first measly dollar from it you\'ll have the immediate excitement of knowing that if you can make $1, you can make $100, then $1,000. You get the idea. A year from now (or less if you\'re not such a scaredy-cat like I was) you just might not be imagining that lovin\' the morning scenario anymore. You\'ll be living it。

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