英语故事:Jack and the Beanstalk 杰克和豆茎

英语阅读 2019-07-28 12:12:02 378

Once upon a time there was a poor mother who lived alone with her son, Jack. All they had in the world was an old cow to give them milk. One day the cow stopped giving milk so the woman had to sell her.


She told Jack to take the cow to market and to get as much money as he could for her.On his way to market Jack met a man who wanted to buy the cow. He offered Jack five beans for the cow.Jack knew that his mother would be very angry if he sold the cow for beans.


"They are very special beans" said the man. "They are MAGIC ! - they will bring you good luck!" Jack thought that he and his mother needed some good luck, so he gave the cow to the man in return for the magic beans.

As you can imagine, Jacks mother was furious with him when he returned home with no money at all, just a few beans. She threw the beans out of the window and sent Jack to bed without any supper. Poor Jack ! He really thought that the beans were magic. Now he felt just silly.


Next day he woke up but it was very dark in his bedroom as if it was still night. He looked out of his window and all he could see were lots and lots of dark green leaves. They seemed to disappear into the clouds. It was a giant beanstalk ! So they were magic beans after all!


Without stopping to think, he climbed out of his window and started climbing up towards the clouds.In no time at all he was at the very top of the giant bean stalk and jumped off into what seemed to be a cloud !He could see an enormous house in the distance and wanted to know who lived there.He went up to the front door and knocked.

 一边想,他一边爬出窗户,爬上树,向树稍的云端爬去。不久他就到了巨型豆茎的顶上,然后他跳进一朵云里。 他看到远处有一座巨大的房子,他想知道谁住在那里。  他来到门前敲响了门。

Suddenly the ground started to shake and a terrible pounding sound of footsteps hurt his ears. The door was opened by the biggest man he had ever seen. It was a GIANT !Jack ran away round to the back of the house to hide. Luckily, the giant was so big and Jack was so tiny, he didn\'t see Jack. BUT- he could smell him!The giant roared in a voice as loud as thunder...

突然,地开始震动,巨大的脚步声刺疼了他的耳朵,门被一个很大的人打开了,大到他从未见过。这是一个巨人! 杰克跑到房后躲起来。很幸运,巨人太大,杰克太小,巨人没有看到杰克。但是,巨人闻得到他!巨人用打雷一样的声音咆哮起来……

"Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an English man !"
"Be he alive or be he dead, I\'ll grind his bones to make my bread !"
At that point Jack was terrified!He rushed round the house and bumped into a very large lady. It was the giant\'s wife. She quickly told Jack to hide in the cupboard and before he could argue, she pushed him into the cupboard and shut the door!

“Fee Fi Fo Fum,我闻到了一个英国男人的血的味道!”

Inside the cupboard Jack found lots of gold coins. He popped one into his pocket, thinking it would please his mum.When the noise died down, the giant\'s wife opened the cupboard and gave Jack some breakfast. She told him however, that if he wasn\'t careful the giant would eat JACK for HIS breakfast!Jack thanked the giant\'s wife politely for breakfast and ran away down the beanstalk as fast as he could.

   杰克在碗厨里发现了许多金币,他拿了一枚放进口袋,他想这可能会让他妈妈开心一点。当外面安静下来以后,巨人的妻子打开碗厨门,并给了杰克一些早餐。她告诉杰克,如果不小心一点的话巨人会把他当早餐吃掉的。 杰克礼貌地感谢了巨人的妻子给自己早餐。然后飞快逃下了豆茎。

Jack\'s mother was so excited when she saw the gold coin she kissed Jack and told him how clever and brave he was. However, when she heard about the giant she made Jack promise never to go there  again.He promised, but somehow as the days passed, he kept thinking about his adventure. He really hadenjoyed all the danger and he kept thinking about all the giant\'s gold."We could be rich!" he thought.


So, one day, when his mum wasn\'t looking, he sneaked out of the house and climbed the beanstalk again!When he got to the enormous house, the kitchen door was open so he went to hide in the cupboard again. But, oh dear ! the giant could always smell little boys and suddenly Jack heard the roar....


The giant thumped around for a while, but could not find Jack.Luckily, Jack had found the cupboard again and hid in it, trembling.After a while, the giant became tired of looking and fell asleep in his chair. Then Jack saw an amazing sight. It was a beautiful hen laying what seemed to be golden eggs!

、巨人在附近叮叮咚咚找了一会,没有发现杰克。很幸运杰克又找到了碗厨躲在里面,好惊险! 过了一会,巨人找累了,在椅子上睡着了。这时杰克看到了惊喜的一幕,一只漂亮了母鸡卧在一颗金蛋上!

Without stopping to think, he darted out of the cupboard, grabbed the hen and scrambled down the beanstalk.His mother could not be angry with Jack for long when she saw the golden eggs that the hen could lay. They became quite rich and everyone was happy, even the hen ! But that\'s not the end of the story...

  来不及多想,他冲出碗厨,抓起母鸡,爬下了豆茎。       杰克的妈妈没有生太长时间的气,因为她看到母鸡下出了金蛋。她们变得非常富有,每个人都很高兴,包括那只母鸡。但这并不是故事的结局……

One day, Jack became bored, he thought of the giant\'s kingdom above the clouds and wanted so much to go there again. Surely it wouldn\'t hurt to go again, he thought. So that\'s what he did !This time he managed to peep through a window and spy on the giant. He was amazed at what he saw and heard.The giant was listening to music from a harp. But, no one was playing the harp! It played music and sang beautifully all by itself! "My mother would love that harp" Jack thought to himself.Soon the giant was lulled to sleep by the magical music. Jack saw his chance, climbed through the window, grabbed the harp and ran off to the beanstalk.

有一天杰克有些无聊,他想起了云上的王国,非常想再去一次。他想再去一次也不会有事,于是他就去了。  这次他设法从窗户偷看监视巨人。他被所看到和听到的惊呆了!     巨人在听竖琴演奏的音乐,但是没有人在弹琴!它自己在演奏着动人的音乐和歌曲!杰克想:“我妈妈会喜欢这个竖琴的。”  不久巨人在魔法音乐的催眠下睡着了。杰克抓住机会,爬过窗户抓起竖琴跑向豆茎。

He hadn\'t gone far however, before he heard those terrible words again ...
"Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an English man ! Be he alive or be he dead,I\'ll grind his bones to make my bread !"The giant was thundering after him !Jack was terrified but kept on running. He got to the beanstalk and climbed as quick as he could, but to his horror, the giant also started climbing down after him.

没跑多远,他就又一次听到了那个可怕的声音……“Fee Fi Fo Fum,我闻到了一个英国男人的血的味道!不管活的还是死的,我要磨碎他的骨头做面包!”    巨人的声音在他身后响起!追过来!    杰克很害怕,但他仍在跑。他跑到了豆茎那里,尽可能快地爬下去。但恐怖的是,巨人也开始跟着往下爬。

Jack was very quick and as soon as he got to his house, ran to get the axe. He chopped down the beanstalk and the giant came crashing down with a tremendous thud. And that was the end of him ! Jack and his mother had all the money they could ever want thanks to the hen and Jack was never bored as he loved to listen to the magical harp.So they all lived happily ever after.

       杰克行动很迅速,一进家门就拿起了斧子,把豆茎砍倒。巨人随着巨大的撞击声摔了下来。巨人摔死了!感谢那只母鸡,杰克和母亲有了多得想不到的钱。而且自从喜欢上听竖琴的魔法音乐以后,杰克再也没有无聊过。 从此她们都过上了幸福快乐的生活。

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