英语故事:倘若鸟儿未飞还 (2)

英语阅读 2019-07-28 06:12:14 107

"Why don\'t you just rest your arms and let me push you?" 




 "Your arms will get sorely. I\'ve been helping you do it for three months now."


"I wheeled myself for 12 years before you came along."


"But I don\'t like having to walk beside you while you push yourself!"



"Do you think I liked sitting helpless in your boat every weekend for the past two months?" 


He never considered this and was shocked into silence. Finally he said quietly, "I never realized that, Amy. You\'re in a wheelchair all the time - I never thought you\'d mind sitting in the boat. It\'s the same thing."


"It is not the same thing. In this chair, I can move by myself; I can go anywhere I need to go. That boat traps me so I can\'t do anything - I couldn\'t even save myself if something happened and I fell out."


"But I\'m there. Don\'t you think I could save you or help you move or whatever it is you want?"


"Yes, but Charles - the point is I\'ve spent 12 years learning to manage by myself. I even live in a city that\'s miles from my family so I\'ll have to be independent and do things for myself. Being placed in the boat takes all that I\'ve won away from me. Can\'t you see why I object to it? I don\'t want to feel helpless." 


As they went down the path Charles selfishly only thought of his own needs, finally he lost control and said,"Amy, I need to have you dependent upon me." He grabbed the wheelchair and pushed her along. She had to let go of the wheels or injure herself. He could not see the anger in her eyes, and it was just as well for it was an anger he would not have understood. 

他们沿着小路继续往前走着,最后他失去了控制,说:“艾米,我需要你依赖我。” 查尔斯只在心里自私地想着自己的需要。他一把抓过轮椅,推着她飞跑起来。结果她只得把手从轮子上放开,以免伤着了自己。他看不到她眼眸中的愤怒,这样也好,因为那种愤怒不是他所能理解的。

She would not answer her telephone the next morning but in his mail that afternoon came an envelope that he knew had come from Amy. The handwriting was not beautiful, but it was without question hers. Inside was only a card on which she had written:


If you want something badly enough,

You must let it go free.

If it comes back to you,

It\'s yours.

If it doesn\'t,

You really never had it anyway.









He ran out of his apartment, refusing to believe that Amy might no longer be in her home. As he was running towards her apartment, he kept hearing a roar in his ears: "You must let it go free; you must let it go free."


But he thought: I can\'t risk it, she is mine, can\'t give her a chance not to belong to me, can\'t let her think she doesn\'t need me, she must need me. Oh God, I have to have her.


But her apartment was empty. Somehow in the hours overnight, she had packed - by herself -and moved by herself. The rooms were now impersonal; their cold stillness could not respond when he fell to the floor and sobbed.


By the middle of August he had heard nothing from Amy. He went often to the park but avoided looking for the white bird.


September came and had almost gone before he finally received a letter. The handwriting was without question hers. The postmark was that of a city many miles distant. He tore open the envelope and at first thought it was empty. Then he noticed a single white feather had fallen from it. In his mind, the white bird rose in flight and its wings let fly one feather. Were it not for the feather, no one would have known that the white bird had ever been. Thus he knew Amy would not be back, and it was many hours before he let the feather drop out of his hand.


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